Fishing in Alaska in August
- Perhaps the biggest single factor in deciding where to fish in Alaska in August is geography. In areas such as Fairbanks and the interior, the weather already is going to be getting pretty cold at night, and the fishing won't be as good as it was slightly earlier in the summer. But in the south on the Kenai Peninsula and in the southeast islands, salmon still will be making their run, making it a great time in early August for salmon fishing.
- Different species of fish will be at different stages in August. Salmon often are making their runs in the southeast and along the Kenai Peninsula and Anchorage area, making early August a great time for salmon fishing. The same areas tend to be strong for rainbow trout at the same time. Halibut is another species of fish that still will be hitting strong this late in the year. However, further north the best fishing months for Northern pike and muskie already will have passed.
- Sportfishing licenses are required for anyone 16 years of age or older in Alaska. This goes for locals and visitors alike. The prices can vary greatly. As of 2010, residents could purchase a yearlong license for $24, but the prices for visitors are going to be a lot more. As of 2010, visitors could purchase one-, three-, seven- or 14-day licenses, as well as an annual license. These can range in price from $20 to $30 for a one-day license to more than $145 for an annual license.
- Regulations involving fishing are handled on a local basis in Alaska, meaning rules that apply in Ketchikan and Juneau won't be the same as the Kenai or Anchorage. It's always a good idea to check locally, as everything from limits to legal length change from one area to the next.
- If you're looking to fish in Alaska in August, you might want to consider the salmon runs to let them determine where you go. In early August, these are most often taking place in the southeast, as well as the Kenai Peninsula and even around Anchorage. The salmon runs make for some of the best fishing in Alaska all year.
- Halibut charters are also a good option when fishing in Alaska. Most halibut charters will be open from late April until early October, as these saltwater fish are active throughout that time period. Guided halibut charters do some of their best business in August, which means reservations are the smart move and can be found in virtually every town in the Kenai Peninsula, as well as Anchorage and the towns in the southeast islands and fjords of the state.
Different Species
Salmon Runs
Halibut Charters