Depression Symptoms, PTSD and TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) - A Surprising Answer For Depr
Spring has arrived and it is generally a time of renewal and fresh hope for many.
However, for many people Spring as well as many other significant times such as the Christmas and New Years is an emotional anniversary.
An emotional anniversary is when, consciously and unconsciously, a person is reminded of and deeply remembers with their body as well as their mind, very painful past events.
For some people, just remembering a Christmas or New Year's holiday which was terribly lonely and/or filled with pain can often be enough to significantly dampen their spirit even if it is filled with loving friends and/or family.
And of course, let's not forget that holiday companion that has ruined many a holiday – alcohol. How many children have more than once, watched their parents or other relatives become extremely ‘unreasonable' during holiday celebrations because of "joy juice"?
Alcohol can and often does lead to PTSD for both the alcoholic and the person who must bear the alcoholic's behavior and pain.
PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) in children can be created in many ways and can be "set" by just one event (similar to a phobia).
The point is that Holiday PTSD with its moderately disturbing to severely unpleasant holiday effects and memories can sow the seeds of major depression and PTSD.
By the way, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is defined by the Diagnostic Statistical Manual-IV (DSM-IV) as an overwhelming response to an extreme event or series of events that occurred at least more than 1 month prior to the onset of symptoms.
What are some signs of PTSD? Symptoms of post-traumatic disorder include:
- Intrusive and recurrent disturbing memories (partial or full) of the event
- Nightmares or related, disturbing dreams about the event
- Intense emotional distress when exposed to internal or external triggers somehow related to the trauma
- Avoidance of activities, places, or people that could awaken memories of the trauma; difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
- Irritability or outbursts of anger
- Difficulty concentrating
- Hyper-vigilance and an excessive reaction to normal surprising stimuli (also known as an exaggerated startle response.)
Keep in mind that not every PTSD sufferer will have all of the above symptoms. And speaking of the above symptoms, you will notice that some of them are virtually identical to depression symptoms listed below.
And also keep in mind that the signs and symptoms below might indicate depression. In general, if a person has several of the below symptoms and the symptoms have been persistent for some time (2 weeks or more), then there is a good chance a person has depression. It is important to remember that only a properly qualified and licensed physician can make a diagnosis.
Depression symptoms include but are not limited to the following:
A key factor to be aware of is that if any of the above signs and symptoms of depression are overwhelming, disabling or otherwise having a significant negative impact on your life, then see a doctor for help before things get worse.
Below is some surprising information on how to relieve and eliminate depression.
TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation): A Surprising Answer For Depression and Depression Symptoms: An Interview with Rachel Fleissner, M.D.
As a psychiatrist with many years in the field, I am very excited about a new FDA approved tool in the fight against depression. This drug free method of treating resistant depression is called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).
And no, TMS is not related to what is commonly called Magnet Therapy although TMS is indeed magnetic treatment and frankly, is more therapeutic and more effective than simply wearing magnets around one's body or in the soles of your shoes.
In a nutshell, TMS treatment consists of a series of 40 minute sessions at 5 per week for 4 to 6 weeks. As my patient, you are comfortably seated during the entire session with a magnetic coil placed at a certain point very close to your head. During the time you are seated, computer controlled, magnetic pulses are delivered to those parts of your brain that control mood and behavior.
TMS therapy is a revolutionary new method for treating depression that holds a great deal of promise and for those who have already benefited they discovered that TMS is safe and life changing.
If you or someone you know has tried an antidepressant medication or treatment and it did not work, transcranial magnetic stimulation may be the answer you've been looking for.
To learn more about how TMS can help you or someone you know with depression, contact me for answers that really can change your life for the better.
Dr. Rachel Fleissner
"If you don't start it's certain you won't arrive."
However, for many people Spring as well as many other significant times such as the Christmas and New Years is an emotional anniversary.
An emotional anniversary is when, consciously and unconsciously, a person is reminded of and deeply remembers with their body as well as their mind, very painful past events.
For some people, just remembering a Christmas or New Year's holiday which was terribly lonely and/or filled with pain can often be enough to significantly dampen their spirit even if it is filled with loving friends and/or family.
And of course, let's not forget that holiday companion that has ruined many a holiday – alcohol. How many children have more than once, watched their parents or other relatives become extremely ‘unreasonable' during holiday celebrations because of "joy juice"?
Alcohol can and often does lead to PTSD for both the alcoholic and the person who must bear the alcoholic's behavior and pain.
PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) in children can be created in many ways and can be "set" by just one event (similar to a phobia).
The point is that Holiday PTSD with its moderately disturbing to severely unpleasant holiday effects and memories can sow the seeds of major depression and PTSD.
By the way, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is defined by the Diagnostic Statistical Manual-IV (DSM-IV) as an overwhelming response to an extreme event or series of events that occurred at least more than 1 month prior to the onset of symptoms.
What are some signs of PTSD? Symptoms of post-traumatic disorder include:
- Intrusive and recurrent disturbing memories (partial or full) of the event
- Nightmares or related, disturbing dreams about the event
- Intense emotional distress when exposed to internal or external triggers somehow related to the trauma
- Avoidance of activities, places, or people that could awaken memories of the trauma; difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
- Irritability or outbursts of anger
- Difficulty concentrating
- Hyper-vigilance and an excessive reaction to normal surprising stimuli (also known as an exaggerated startle response.)
Keep in mind that not every PTSD sufferer will have all of the above symptoms. And speaking of the above symptoms, you will notice that some of them are virtually identical to depression symptoms listed below.
And also keep in mind that the signs and symptoms below might indicate depression. In general, if a person has several of the below symptoms and the symptoms have been persistent for some time (2 weeks or more), then there is a good chance a person has depression. It is important to remember that only a properly qualified and licensed physician can make a diagnosis.
Depression symptoms include but are not limited to the following:
- Sad and/or empty feelings that seem to fill a person blocking out most or all feelings or happiness, contentment, etc.
- Irritability or intense frustration over anything – even small matters
- Diminished or non-existent interest or pleasure in normal activities including sex
- Insomnia or excessive sleeping or a sudden decrease in one's normal sleep time. Keep in mind that too little sleep can worsen a person's mental health condition and even cause depression.
- Changes in appetite — depression often causes decreased appetite and weight loss, but in some people it causes increased cravings for food and weight gain
- General restlessness for no apparent reason — Symptoms include but are not limited to pacing, hand-wringing, an inability to sit still, tapping of fingers, etc.
- "Slurred" or slowed thinking, speaking and/or "slightly off" body movements including bumping into things
- Easily distracted, unusual indecisiveness, little or no ability to concentrate
- Feeling as though you have been ‘unplugged' from your normal energy source where even small tasks are very difficult and require a lot of effort
- Feeling certain that you are worthless and/or guilty of being deeply inadequate
- Difficulty remembering things
- Frequent or increasing thoughts of death, dying or suicide
- Beginning to plan one's death
- Crying for no apparent reason
- "Out of the blue" physical problems such as back pain, chest pain, headaches, stomach issues, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and other physical symptoms that "just aren't you"
A key factor to be aware of is that if any of the above signs and symptoms of depression are overwhelming, disabling or otherwise having a significant negative impact on your life, then see a doctor for help before things get worse.
Below is some surprising information on how to relieve and eliminate depression.
TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation): A Surprising Answer For Depression and Depression Symptoms: An Interview with Rachel Fleissner, M.D.
As a psychiatrist with many years in the field, I am very excited about a new FDA approved tool in the fight against depression. This drug free method of treating resistant depression is called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).
And no, TMS is not related to what is commonly called Magnet Therapy although TMS is indeed magnetic treatment and frankly, is more therapeutic and more effective than simply wearing magnets around one's body or in the soles of your shoes.
In a nutshell, TMS treatment consists of a series of 40 minute sessions at 5 per week for 4 to 6 weeks. As my patient, you are comfortably seated during the entire session with a magnetic coil placed at a certain point very close to your head. During the time you are seated, computer controlled, magnetic pulses are delivered to those parts of your brain that control mood and behavior.
TMS therapy is a revolutionary new method for treating depression that holds a great deal of promise and for those who have already benefited they discovered that TMS is safe and life changing.
If you or someone you know has tried an antidepressant medication or treatment and it did not work, transcranial magnetic stimulation may be the answer you've been looking for.
To learn more about how TMS can help you or someone you know with depression, contact me for answers that really can change your life for the better.
Dr. Rachel Fleissner
"If you don't start it's certain you won't arrive."
- Board Certified Adult Psychiatry and Neurology
- Board Certified Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Advanced Training in Clinical Hypnosis
- Trained in Biofeedback and Neurofeedback
- Trained in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation