Reasons Why Children Involve in Gangs
There are many families' now where both parents need to work to make ends meet.
But this can sometimes have a very negative impact on their children.
This is because the children often feel neglected when they are not around their parents much.
Recent studies have shown that this is one of the main reasons why children are tempted to join gangs.
Many of these children find it hard to find friends at school and can often find themselves at the mercy of bullies.
This can lead to them getting frustrated and angry and can often make them easy targets for gang members to talk them into joining them for security.
Many of these children are convinced that by joining the gangs that they will find the security and safety that they had been searching for.
This is far from the truth as it will make them more vulnerable when gang violence breaks out.
Not only that, it will make their families potential targets too.
This is not what they initially intended when they set out to join the gangs.
They would not dream of getting their families in harms way but they just did not realize how the gang culture works.
Joining these gangs was just their way of trying to make life better for themselves.
Instead it makes it much worse and they are more likely to become one of the 60% of homicide victims that studies say are accredited to gang violence.
Parents can help to stop this from happening to their kids by just showing an interest in them.
It does not mean giving up your job, just try to get more involved in your kids hobbies and interests and encourage them to take up activities that they may find of interest.
By making your kids aware of their potential and making them feel loved and wanted you could prevent them from wanting to join one of the many gangs out there.
This could be the best move that both of you have ever made.
But this can sometimes have a very negative impact on their children.
This is because the children often feel neglected when they are not around their parents much.
Recent studies have shown that this is one of the main reasons why children are tempted to join gangs.
Many of these children find it hard to find friends at school and can often find themselves at the mercy of bullies.
This can lead to them getting frustrated and angry and can often make them easy targets for gang members to talk them into joining them for security.
Many of these children are convinced that by joining the gangs that they will find the security and safety that they had been searching for.
This is far from the truth as it will make them more vulnerable when gang violence breaks out.
Not only that, it will make their families potential targets too.
This is not what they initially intended when they set out to join the gangs.
They would not dream of getting their families in harms way but they just did not realize how the gang culture works.
Joining these gangs was just their way of trying to make life better for themselves.
Instead it makes it much worse and they are more likely to become one of the 60% of homicide victims that studies say are accredited to gang violence.
Parents can help to stop this from happening to their kids by just showing an interest in them.
It does not mean giving up your job, just try to get more involved in your kids hobbies and interests and encourage them to take up activities that they may find of interest.
By making your kids aware of their potential and making them feel loved and wanted you could prevent them from wanting to join one of the many gangs out there.
This could be the best move that both of you have ever made.