Credit Card Counseling - Do They Really Work?
If you are in problem with your credit card debt, then you must have heard of credit card counseling.
It is the best way to get out of credit card debt.
In today's world, it is very easy to get into the debt trap, but equally hard to get out of it.
Therefore, when at the beginning of the month, all you get is bills, and then it's high time you have to do something about your debt as soon as possible.
When you are ready to seek some help, look in the Internet.
There are many online companies offering help.
However, beware before choosing any offer that comes with the tag line 'free credit card loans,' because as the saying goes, there is nothing free in this world.
Most of the time, the free part is restricted to fee quote on debt consolidation.
That is also a good point in starting, as you need more than one quote, so that you can compare the offers.
What Do They Offer As Credit Card Counseling The first thing they will do is go through your financial situation.
Then they will see how much is your income and how much you can pay per month.
If your credit score is good and your loan amount is not that much, then you can easily go for credit card debt consolidation.
The interest rate in this case is much lower than what you pay to the credit card companies.
If your credit score is not that good, but provide equity in home, then also you can go for debt consolidation, as you will get home equity debt consolidation loan.
The interest rates in this case are also lower than credit card loans.
When The Scenario Is Bleak When you are really in deep debt, then debt consolidation is not your answer.
In that case, you have to go for credit card debt settlement.
In this case, the company will negotiate with your creditor to bring down the loan amount and settle for fewer amounts.
They do that because they recover some portion of their loan amount as against getting nothing.
But once you have gone for settlement, it may have negative effect on your credit score.
So consider all sides before taking your credit card counseling advice.
There are some more things that you should be aware for example, when you are going for credit card debt settlement, you have to surrender your credit cards.
Another thing that you have to learn is that how to control your expenditure, so that you do not run in debts once again.
It is the best way to get out of credit card debt.
In today's world, it is very easy to get into the debt trap, but equally hard to get out of it.
Therefore, when at the beginning of the month, all you get is bills, and then it's high time you have to do something about your debt as soon as possible.
When you are ready to seek some help, look in the Internet.
There are many online companies offering help.
However, beware before choosing any offer that comes with the tag line 'free credit card loans,' because as the saying goes, there is nothing free in this world.
Most of the time, the free part is restricted to fee quote on debt consolidation.
That is also a good point in starting, as you need more than one quote, so that you can compare the offers.
What Do They Offer As Credit Card Counseling The first thing they will do is go through your financial situation.
Then they will see how much is your income and how much you can pay per month.
If your credit score is good and your loan amount is not that much, then you can easily go for credit card debt consolidation.
The interest rate in this case is much lower than what you pay to the credit card companies.
If your credit score is not that good, but provide equity in home, then also you can go for debt consolidation, as you will get home equity debt consolidation loan.
The interest rates in this case are also lower than credit card loans.
When The Scenario Is Bleak When you are really in deep debt, then debt consolidation is not your answer.
In that case, you have to go for credit card debt settlement.
In this case, the company will negotiate with your creditor to bring down the loan amount and settle for fewer amounts.
They do that because they recover some portion of their loan amount as against getting nothing.
But once you have gone for settlement, it may have negative effect on your credit score.
So consider all sides before taking your credit card counseling advice.
There are some more things that you should be aware for example, when you are going for credit card debt settlement, you have to surrender your credit cards.
Another thing that you have to learn is that how to control your expenditure, so that you do not run in debts once again.