John of God: Healing Miracles
Each week, thousands of people find their way to a small town in Brazil seeking an end to their suffering. All manner of physical diseases find their way here. Persons also come to find relief from mental and emotional traumas. Some are stricken with unshakeable, unbearable grief; some scarcely able navigate their daily lives due to unrelenting fears, phobias and anxieties. They all come to seek the healing grace of a man called John of God.
He was born in 1942 to a poor family. But he had a rare gift. He could commune with spirits and Beings of Light on the other side and they had plans for John of God. They told him that he must begin to expand his healing work and spiritist medium Chico Xavier told him to go to the town of Abadiania, Brazil to fulfill his lifelong mission.
In 1978 he literally set up a chair on the side of the road and began to receive the suffering and afflicted people. As time progressed and news of his healing miracles reached deeper into the country side, the crowds grew until today he will pour healing mercy on thousands daily. If you ask John of God if he heals, he says that he does not. He will say, "I have never healed anyone. It is God that heals."
On Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, he enters the hall where pilgrims from all over the world wait for him. While standing, and being supported on either side by attendants, his head will drop quickly forward and then back again while a mild shiver courses through his body. At this point he is in a "full trance" and the Being of Light has entered his body to help heal the pain and suffering of the people who are present.
The Beings of Light include doctors, healers and cosmic beings who come from the world of spirit one at a time. During the period of his trance he will talk to many people giving them prescriptions for energetically infused herbs, advice for healing and also perform physical surgery on a few of the travelers. The surgery is done without anesthesia and without any sterile protocol. Yet no one feels pain as the knife opens their belly or scrapes their eyes. No one ever gets an infection. At the end of the day, John of God will not remember any of it. He is a full trance medium.
In an adjacent hall, many people assist the process by sitting in "current." This is a process somewhat like meditation in which an assembly of persons sits quietly with eyes closed, focused and aware of a streaming cosmic energy. This raises the vibration in the entire facility helping the Beings of Light to do their work.
While only one Entity of Light inhabits the body of John of God at any time, literally hundreds of spirit beings are working on each and every person who has come seeking help. For this reason, seekers are asked to wear all white because it aids the Beings of Light in viewing the internal structure of each body and on several levels or dimensions. All healings ultimately occur on a deep spiritual level.
Not everyone is seeking an end to a physical affliction. Many are seeking solace from blinding emotional pain and trauma. It could be loss of a loved one and the attendant insufferable grief. Or unbearable attacks of fear and anxiety suffered by a Vietnam veteran. All manner of suffering and pain find their way to the lap of this humble man.
We are of course amazed to watch the physical surgeries on YouTube. However, the most astonishing aspect of this theater of healing is the fact that it is being done at all. Why does John of God do this? He charges no money. Certainly the Beings of Light do not need money. The answer is as profound as it is obvious. This is a manifestation of unconditional love and deep compassion. That's why they do what they do.
We live in a world of unparalleled stress and self-centered addictions; a world in which there is very little love. For most people, love is nothing more than a four letter word. Yet amidst this barren desert, there springs a fountain of love that all can see in a most visible way. Perhaps this is the most healing aspect of the entire John of God process. That we, as human beings who have lost our way, can see that love does truly exist. For without love, life is dry and meaningless. It is love, and love alone, that makes life beautiful and worth living. This is what we should get most of all from watching the march of sufferers who are being cared for and healed in Abadiania, Brazil. We should understand that love is the goal of life. We should understand that at the end of our lives, after all of our successes and failures, the value of our lives will be determined by how much we have loved. We must all learn to be givers not takers. This is the deepest and most profound message from John of God and the Beings of Light that work through him.
He was born in 1942 to a poor family. But he had a rare gift. He could commune with spirits and Beings of Light on the other side and they had plans for John of God. They told him that he must begin to expand his healing work and spiritist medium Chico Xavier told him to go to the town of Abadiania, Brazil to fulfill his lifelong mission.
In 1978 he literally set up a chair on the side of the road and began to receive the suffering and afflicted people. As time progressed and news of his healing miracles reached deeper into the country side, the crowds grew until today he will pour healing mercy on thousands daily. If you ask John of God if he heals, he says that he does not. He will say, "I have never healed anyone. It is God that heals."
On Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, he enters the hall where pilgrims from all over the world wait for him. While standing, and being supported on either side by attendants, his head will drop quickly forward and then back again while a mild shiver courses through his body. At this point he is in a "full trance" and the Being of Light has entered his body to help heal the pain and suffering of the people who are present.
The Beings of Light include doctors, healers and cosmic beings who come from the world of spirit one at a time. During the period of his trance he will talk to many people giving them prescriptions for energetically infused herbs, advice for healing and also perform physical surgery on a few of the travelers. The surgery is done without anesthesia and without any sterile protocol. Yet no one feels pain as the knife opens their belly or scrapes their eyes. No one ever gets an infection. At the end of the day, John of God will not remember any of it. He is a full trance medium.
In an adjacent hall, many people assist the process by sitting in "current." This is a process somewhat like meditation in which an assembly of persons sits quietly with eyes closed, focused and aware of a streaming cosmic energy. This raises the vibration in the entire facility helping the Beings of Light to do their work.
While only one Entity of Light inhabits the body of John of God at any time, literally hundreds of spirit beings are working on each and every person who has come seeking help. For this reason, seekers are asked to wear all white because it aids the Beings of Light in viewing the internal structure of each body and on several levels or dimensions. All healings ultimately occur on a deep spiritual level.
Not everyone is seeking an end to a physical affliction. Many are seeking solace from blinding emotional pain and trauma. It could be loss of a loved one and the attendant insufferable grief. Or unbearable attacks of fear and anxiety suffered by a Vietnam veteran. All manner of suffering and pain find their way to the lap of this humble man.
We are of course amazed to watch the physical surgeries on YouTube. However, the most astonishing aspect of this theater of healing is the fact that it is being done at all. Why does John of God do this? He charges no money. Certainly the Beings of Light do not need money. The answer is as profound as it is obvious. This is a manifestation of unconditional love and deep compassion. That's why they do what they do.
We live in a world of unparalleled stress and self-centered addictions; a world in which there is very little love. For most people, love is nothing more than a four letter word. Yet amidst this barren desert, there springs a fountain of love that all can see in a most visible way. Perhaps this is the most healing aspect of the entire John of God process. That we, as human beings who have lost our way, can see that love does truly exist. For without love, life is dry and meaningless. It is love, and love alone, that makes life beautiful and worth living. This is what we should get most of all from watching the march of sufferers who are being cared for and healed in Abadiania, Brazil. We should understand that love is the goal of life. We should understand that at the end of our lives, after all of our successes and failures, the value of our lives will be determined by how much we have loved. We must all learn to be givers not takers. This is the deepest and most profound message from John of God and the Beings of Light that work through him.