Ramic - The Horned Entity
One night, just seconds from falling asleep, we a woke to a loud scream - louder than anything I had ever heard. My wife and I looked at each other in shock, then realized it was the baby! We ran down the hall to her room in panic. The look on the baby's face was of sheer terror. She was drenched in sweat and screaming like never before. We checked the crib to see if she had been bitten by a spider or something.
Nothing. So I went downstairs to fix her a bottle and then I heard my wife yell, "What?" I finished the bottle and went upstairs to see what she had meant. She asked if I had yelled at her to "put that baby down." She said it was definitely a loud man's voice. I replied, "No!" She grabbed the baby and ran to our room.
I now realized our little friend just crossed the line. I tore through the room looking for anything that would reveal it. I found nothing. I left the room and headed down the hallway. As I was passing our other children's bedroom, its doorknob started to turn. I turned to the door and forcefully entered to confront whatever it was. I saw the shadow jump into the closet. I ran in and tore through that closet like a mad man and declared loudly it was over! This woke up the two older kids, who were now standing by the doorway. Coming back to my sanity, I led them to our room to sleep with us for the night.
It was a long night, that's for sure. I finally fell asleep as the sun was coming up.
That morning, I went back to the baby's room to investigate... and could find nothing out of the ordinary. We all went downstairs for breakfast. Our oldest daughter asked why I was throwing all the toys out of the closet last night. I explained that I was looking for something. It was then she told me that the closet is where her friend lives.
"What friend?" I asked.
"Batman. He plays with us at night," she replied.
"Who is Batman?" I asked, curious for information.
"Batman is our friend," she explained.
"What does he look like?"
"He's all black and we can't see his face, but he can fly and he lives in our closet and can go through walls. And he wants us to go with him all the time!"
Now, it came to light: It wants the kids. I told her that this "Batman" isn't real, and if she sees him to tell him to go away - by himself! They agreed. Not yet willing to vacate our new home, we tried to go on as usual, if a little more cautious.
A few more weeks went by without incident. Until one night. My wife and I sometimes would fall asleep with the TV on. I awoke around 2:00 a.m. because the TV was loud and playing a cartoon. I decided I should get up to turn it off before it woke the kids. I rolled over in bed... and saw a little person standing about three feet away, watching the TV.
"You better go back to bed," I said, thinking it was one of the kids. With no response, I reached for my glasses to see which one was disobeying. I put on my glasses and looked, not believing what I saw. I sprang up to a sitting position. The thing watching the TV didn't even seem to notice me, but appeared to be mesmerized by the cartoon.
It was a little creature, completely gray and skinny. It stood about 2-1/2 feet tall with big, black, shiny eyes and a small mouth. The shape of this thing was that of a shaved cat standing on its hind legs. It had no tail that I could see, but had horns curved over its head - like a ram's.
The sight of this entity took a moment to sink in. This was no shadow, but the real thing! Although a bit frightened, I still managed to give a good swift kick at the creature, but when my foot hit the wall hard, I realized I missed. It must have been really into the show because it didn't even flinch, but just stood there. Then it slowly turned toward me and let out this hiss, just like a cat.
This time I got off another kick - bingo!- connection! I felt it curl around my foot and fly out the door into the hallway. It felt good, so I ran out to finish it off. But it was gone. I looked all over, but could not find it. I returned to my bedroom. By this time my wife was up. "What's going on?" she grumbled. I replied, "Nothing. Go back to sleep."
The next day, I was like a new man, alive and ready for round two. But that was it. We never saw the creature again. It may not have disappeared entirely, however. Our neighbors now have visitors of their own, they tell me. And to them I offered my advice: "Don't ignore it. Confront it and don't be afraid to stand up to it. It won't go away without a good swift kick out the door!"
One night, just seconds from falling asleep, we a woke to a loud scream - louder than anything I had ever heard. My wife and I looked at each other in shock, then realized it was the baby! We ran down the hall to her room in panic. The look on the baby's face was of sheer terror. She was drenched in sweat and screaming like never before. We checked the crib to see if she had been bitten by a spider or something.
Nothing. So I went downstairs to fix her a bottle and then I heard my wife yell, "What?" I finished the bottle and went upstairs to see what she had meant. She asked if I had yelled at her to "put that baby down." She said it was definitely a loud man's voice. I replied, "No!" She grabbed the baby and ran to our room.
I now realized our little friend just crossed the line. I tore through the room looking for anything that would reveal it. I found nothing. I left the room and headed down the hallway. As I was passing our other children's bedroom, its doorknob started to turn. I turned to the door and forcefully entered to confront whatever it was. I saw the shadow jump into the closet. I ran in and tore through that closet like a mad man and declared loudly it was over! This woke up the two older kids, who were now standing by the doorway. Coming back to my sanity, I led them to our room to sleep with us for the night.
It was a long night, that's for sure. I finally fell asleep as the sun was coming up.
That morning, I went back to the baby's room to investigate... and could find nothing out of the ordinary. We all went downstairs for breakfast. Our oldest daughter asked why I was throwing all the toys out of the closet last night. I explained that I was looking for something. It was then she told me that the closet is where her friend lives.
"What friend?" I asked.
"Batman. He plays with us at night," she replied.
"Who is Batman?" I asked, curious for information.
"Batman is our friend," she explained.
"What does he look like?"
"He's all black and we can't see his face, but he can fly and he lives in our closet and can go through walls. And he wants us to go with him all the time!"
Now, it came to light: It wants the kids. I told her that this "Batman" isn't real, and if she sees him to tell him to go away - by himself! They agreed. Not yet willing to vacate our new home, we tried to go on as usual, if a little more cautious.
A few more weeks went by without incident. Until one night. My wife and I sometimes would fall asleep with the TV on. I awoke around 2:00 a.m. because the TV was loud and playing a cartoon. I decided I should get up to turn it off before it woke the kids. I rolled over in bed... and saw a little person standing about three feet away, watching the TV.
"You better go back to bed," I said, thinking it was one of the kids. With no response, I reached for my glasses to see which one was disobeying. I put on my glasses and looked, not believing what I saw. I sprang up to a sitting position. The thing watching the TV didn't even seem to notice me, but appeared to be mesmerized by the cartoon.
It was a little creature, completely gray and skinny. It stood about 2-1/2 feet tall with big, black, shiny eyes and a small mouth. The shape of this thing was that of a shaved cat standing on its hind legs. It had no tail that I could see, but had horns curved over its head - like a ram's.
The sight of this entity took a moment to sink in. This was no shadow, but the real thing! Although a bit frightened, I still managed to give a good swift kick at the creature, but when my foot hit the wall hard, I realized I missed. It must have been really into the show because it didn't even flinch, but just stood there. Then it slowly turned toward me and let out this hiss, just like a cat.
This time I got off another kick - bingo!- connection! I felt it curl around my foot and fly out the door into the hallway. It felt good, so I ran out to finish it off. But it was gone. I looked all over, but could not find it. I returned to my bedroom. By this time my wife was up. "What's going on?" she grumbled. I replied, "Nothing. Go back to sleep."
The next day, I was like a new man, alive and ready for round two. But that was it. We never saw the creature again. It may not have disappeared entirely, however. Our neighbors now have visitors of their own, they tell me. And to them I offered my advice: "Don't ignore it. Confront it and don't be afraid to stand up to it. It won't go away without a good swift kick out the door!"