The Dangers Of Flash Flooding And Rushing Waters
In the spring time everyone welcomes the gentle rains that make the trees and flowers bloom. Farmers love it when the warm weather comes and the rain falls so that their seeds will sprout and begin to grow. Life is renewed and it is always pleasant to know that warm weather has come at last after the cold of winter. This is the ideal situation, but it does not always turn out that way.
Many times with spring the gentle rains can turn into torrential down pours for some parts of the country. This is what happened in parts of the Midwestern United States this year. The rains that were expected came and then they came some more. They came until many areas became flooded and farmers lost many of their precious crops because they were under water.
Besides the farmers who lost a lot of their income because of the unusually wet weather, home owners and other businesses sustained extensive damage as well because of flooding. Some of these building were damaged even more because the water came in the form of flash floods. This happens when creeks and rivers overflow their banks and the water can come rushing into areas where it does not belong. The thing about rushing water is that is can seldom be stopped and it goes where it wants to.
Roadways can be flooded quickly and any cars that might be on them at the time can be suddenly swept away. This is why it is so dangerous for motorists to try to drive on or cross a road that has a goodly amount of standing water. You can never tell when the water from will come rushing in from upstream some where and wash you and your vehicle away.
Rushing flood water can be strong enough to wash homes and other buildings completely off of their foundations. This is also why it is so important to pay close attention to the weather stations when they issue flash flood watches and especially warnings. If you are in an area where a flash flood watch has been issued, it is essential that you be ready to flee in an instant should a warning be given. You might only have a few precious minutes to get you and your family to a safer place. Have an emergency kit ready to take with you at all times.
Many times with spring the gentle rains can turn into torrential down pours for some parts of the country. This is what happened in parts of the Midwestern United States this year. The rains that were expected came and then they came some more. They came until many areas became flooded and farmers lost many of their precious crops because they were under water.
Besides the farmers who lost a lot of their income because of the unusually wet weather, home owners and other businesses sustained extensive damage as well because of flooding. Some of these building were damaged even more because the water came in the form of flash floods. This happens when creeks and rivers overflow their banks and the water can come rushing into areas where it does not belong. The thing about rushing water is that is can seldom be stopped and it goes where it wants to.
Roadways can be flooded quickly and any cars that might be on them at the time can be suddenly swept away. This is why it is so dangerous for motorists to try to drive on or cross a road that has a goodly amount of standing water. You can never tell when the water from will come rushing in from upstream some where and wash you and your vehicle away.
Rushing flood water can be strong enough to wash homes and other buildings completely off of their foundations. This is also why it is so important to pay close attention to the weather stations when they issue flash flood watches and especially warnings. If you are in an area where a flash flood watch has been issued, it is essential that you be ready to flee in an instant should a warning be given. You might only have a few precious minutes to get you and your family to a safer place. Have an emergency kit ready to take with you at all times.