Stop Paying For Advertising! The Government Grant Will Do That For You!
Advertising can be really really expensive, especially when you want to reach your true target market and make a lot of money as a result of that! It can be even more expensive when your first starting out and even worse when you need the business to keep the money coming in.
Hence why the government has seen you and your advertising as an opportunity, they have begun to understand that advertising business's means that they make more money and thus pay more taxes back to the government.
That then brings up the economy and creates a spiraling effect which only benefits everyone else! Which in today's economy is something everyone needs, desperately.
So what is this all about? In simple terms the government is giving out 'free money' to help people pay for their advertising costs, you tell them how much you need and they send you the money.
Simple right? But there is a catch! They see these Grant's as investments and so you have to fill in all the right boxes and act as if you know what your doing so that their system accepts you and you get the money.
Now the other reason they are doing this is because they need the increase in tax payments, if your making money because of them paying for your advertising then you pay more tax.
They see the grant money as an investment for the future! Which is why it now makes sense and why i let them give me $50,000 to advertise my business.
Hence why the government has seen you and your advertising as an opportunity, they have begun to understand that advertising business's means that they make more money and thus pay more taxes back to the government.
That then brings up the economy and creates a spiraling effect which only benefits everyone else! Which in today's economy is something everyone needs, desperately.
So what is this all about? In simple terms the government is giving out 'free money' to help people pay for their advertising costs, you tell them how much you need and they send you the money.
Simple right? But there is a catch! They see these Grant's as investments and so you have to fill in all the right boxes and act as if you know what your doing so that their system accepts you and you get the money.
Now the other reason they are doing this is because they need the increase in tax payments, if your making money because of them paying for your advertising then you pay more tax.
They see the grant money as an investment for the future! Which is why it now makes sense and why i let them give me $50,000 to advertise my business.