People Spending Too Much Time in the Gym and Not Putting in Enough Effort
People are doing too much in the gym these days, spending half of there damn day at their gym, it's madness.
45 minutes is the longest you will see me around weights.
The way I lift I can't even think about touching a dumbbell when I'm done.
The only thought that crosses my mind after a workout is whether or not I am going to vomit and what my next meal is going to be.
Here is an example of my routine this morning.
I roll up at the gym about 6 am, punch my self in the face a few times, and hit dead lifts for 20 minutes.
I walked out with my forearms, arms, back and legs pumping ridiculously feeling like a straight savage.
And that is what is missing from people's work outs these days.
Or I hit flat bench, incline bench, dumbell flys and I'm out in 30 pumping like crazy.
Your compound lifts should kick your ass so much that all you want to do is go home and cook a high protein meal.
Let's say you hit 3 sets of each, bench press, incline bench press, dumbbell flys, and dips.
If you're still hungry for more after that, than the following statement might hurt your feelings a little bit.
You Are Lifting Like a Pansie.
I am right...
and you are wrong, so don't even try thinking you are some hybrid badass that just can't get enough.
Bump up your intensity and you'll get the results you've been waiting for in half the time, along with enough testosterone to make Barry Bonds jealous.
Go in with the mindset that you are not human, you are a disgusting beast that is feared by all, and translate that to your training.
Move a lot of weight in a short period of time, it's really not to complicated.
This is where some people make the clear distinction between what is "fun" and what is "painful".
You want to train so hard that pain becomes fun because of how ridiculous your workouts are.
So lay it all out there, don't hold back, make people say to themselves when they look at you "damn that guy is insane".
45 minutes is the longest you will see me around weights.
The way I lift I can't even think about touching a dumbbell when I'm done.
The only thought that crosses my mind after a workout is whether or not I am going to vomit and what my next meal is going to be.
Here is an example of my routine this morning.
I roll up at the gym about 6 am, punch my self in the face a few times, and hit dead lifts for 20 minutes.
I walked out with my forearms, arms, back and legs pumping ridiculously feeling like a straight savage.
And that is what is missing from people's work outs these days.
Or I hit flat bench, incline bench, dumbell flys and I'm out in 30 pumping like crazy.
Your compound lifts should kick your ass so much that all you want to do is go home and cook a high protein meal.
Let's say you hit 3 sets of each, bench press, incline bench press, dumbbell flys, and dips.
If you're still hungry for more after that, than the following statement might hurt your feelings a little bit.
You Are Lifting Like a Pansie.
I am right...
and you are wrong, so don't even try thinking you are some hybrid badass that just can't get enough.
Bump up your intensity and you'll get the results you've been waiting for in half the time, along with enough testosterone to make Barry Bonds jealous.
Go in with the mindset that you are not human, you are a disgusting beast that is feared by all, and translate that to your training.
Move a lot of weight in a short period of time, it's really not to complicated.
This is where some people make the clear distinction between what is "fun" and what is "painful".
You want to train so hard that pain becomes fun because of how ridiculous your workouts are.
So lay it all out there, don't hold back, make people say to themselves when they look at you "damn that guy is insane".