How to Decorate the Walls Behind Wall Shelves
- 1). Remove the shelves, if possible. This will make it easier to paint the wall.
- 2). Paint the wall. The paint color should either be a darker color than the existing wall color, or should contrast with it. For example, if you have light blue walls, paint the wall behind the shelves a dark blue. The paint should be at least two shades darker to really stand out. Using a paint brush, paint behind the shelves. Depending on the original color of the shelves, two coats may be needed. Allow the paint to dry for 24 hours.
- 3). Place the shelves back in the unit.
- 1). Measure the wall behind the shelves. If you are wallpapering the entire wall and it is possible to remove the shelves, take them out so you are able to easily measure the entire wall. Alternatively, just wallpaper behind several shelves. For example, if you have a large shelving unit with nine square cubbies, paper one or two cubbies per horizontal shelf. If you are only decorating a few cubbies, measure the size of the wall behind each cubbie.
- 2). Cut the paper. If you are decorating the entire back wall, use a large sheet of wallpaper and cut it to fit your measurements. If you are decorating only a few cubbies or a small shelving unit, use patterned paper, such as scrapbooking paper, instead of a large sheet of wallpaper. Cut the paper to fit the size of each cubbie.
- 3). Add adhesive and wallpaper. Spray adhesive to the wall and carefully place the wallpaper. Smooth out the paper to remove any bubbles. Allow the wallpaper at least 24 hours to adhere to the wall.
- 4). Place the shelves back in the unit.