Crate Training Tips for Dogs
- After dogs accept being in a crate, it can become a place that they identify as their image by Krzysztof Gebarowski from
Crates are very useful when you need to contain your dog. They can be used to keep the dog safe in the back of a car or to keep the dog controlled when there are new guests in your home. Some dogs take to crates right away, while others need a little coaxing and encouragement. Once a dog gets used to being in a crate, it can often serve as a sort of sanctuary, where the dog feels very safe in its own space. - Use dog treats or pieces of meat to help train your bones image by Janet Wall from
Treats help with training dogs to do almost anything. Figure out what treats your dog likes most and use them to lure the dog into the crate. There are a couple of ways to use the treats to get the dog into the crate. First, if your dog is not too hesitant, you can direct him into the crate while holding the treat in your closed hand. Make sure your dog knows that you have the treat so he stays focused on your hand and doesn't worry so much about where he is. For a dog that is more hesitant, show him the treat and place it at the back of the crate so the dog has to go into the crate at least a little. The dog may stretch himself out to reach the treat without going all the way inside. Keep placing a treat at the back of the crate until the dog stops hesitating to reach for it. Once he is more comfortable, you can be slightly more forceful. When the dog goes into the crate, even if it is not all the way, you can push him in and close the door. Quickly give the dog another treat and praise him. It may take awhile for the dog to realize this is not a form of punishment, but eventually he should go into the crate willingly. You can even leave the crate open on a daily basis to give the dog someplace he can get to. - Much like the treats, toys can be used as incentive for your dog to go into the crate. When you leave the crate open during the day, place the dog's favorite toys in the far end, then show your dog that her toys are there. From there you can leave the dog to check things out on her own.
- Once your dog is used to going in the crate, you can start leaving him in for 30 minutes to an hour at a time. Try to place the crate near you so the dog doesn't feel isolated. Once the dog is used to being in the crate for a while, you can begin leaving him for longer amounts of time. Do not leave your dog in the crate for more than 6 hours unless it is night. Also, make sure your dog has had some time outside before you leave him in the crate for any amount of time.
Crate Time