How to Fix the Windows 95 Registry on the Hard Drive
- 1). Download and install "Registry Cleaner 4" (see Resources). Launch the program, then choose "Scan Registry." Once the program has finished searching for problems with your registry, select "Fix Problems." The program now removes all unnecessary files in the registry and corrects the software problems.
- 2). Download and install "ToniArts EasyCleaner" (see Resources). Launch the program, then choose "Registry." Select "Scan," and the software scans the program for issues with the drive. The program automatically corrects the problems, so when it is finished you can close out the registry software.
- 3). Download and install "Registry Doctor" (see Resources). Launch the program, then choose "Start." Momentarily the program scans your hard drive for any issues with the registry. Once it has finished, it shows a list on the screen with all the problems on the registry. Choose "Select All" and click "OK." The program removes or fixes all the current problems associated with your registry. Close out the program once complete.