How to Use a Metaza Machine
- 1). Open the cover of the Metaza and turn the "Head" knob to raise the head unit up. Press the "Power/Movement" button to turn the machine on. You might hear a noise from the machine. Turn on your computer. When the operating system loads, open up the "Dr. METAZA2" program.
- 2). Place the material that you want to print on onto the table. Center the material in the middle of the grid and press down so that it will stay in place. Press the "Power/Movement" button and the head unit will move out to a location above the material. Press on the top of the head unit to lower it until it touches the material. Close the cover.
- 3). Click on the "File" menu on your computer and click on "New." In the window that appears, enter in the height and width of the material you are using. Click on the shape of the material and click "OK." Click on "File" again and then click on the "Import" option. Click on the image you want to print and click "Open." The image will appear on the screen.
- 4). Click "File" then "Save As" to save the file. Enter in a name for the file then click "Save" again to save it. Click "File" then "Print" to bring up the printing menu. Click on the "Properties" button, then click on the "Image Correction" tab, then select the type of material you are using from the drop-down menu. Click "OK", then "OK" again to begin printing.