How to Avoid Radiation
Radiation is all around us. It stems from electricity and other sources. This is called electromagnetic radiation. It is in the computers, cell phones, microwaves and other electronic devices. Radiation lowers the melatonin levels in our bodies with a direct correlation to our immune system. The lowered melatonin impedes the body's response to diseases like cancer.
Now with the recent events in Japan the fear of radiation has once again reared its head. Although the radiation emitted by the new technologies cannot compare to what was released in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl or even this recent spill, it still is enough to cause adverse effects in humans and pets from prolonged exposure.
You can take measures to avoid over exposure to the EMF radiation, for tips on how to accomplish this read on.
1. There is no cure for radiation poisoning so it is up to you to limit your exposure to it. This can be achieved by increasing the time gap between exposures. If you have a lot of radiation producing devices in your home this may be hard to do. There should be at least one room that is safe for you and your family.
2. Alpha and beta radiation rays travel only a short distance, this is why when someone is exposed on a work site they are immediately removed from the site. The further away the better to minimize the exposure.
3. It is important to make sure that the devices you use have the best possible shielding around the source that produces these rays. It is not much of a problem with alpha and beta rays. Gamma rays are the strongest and can penetrate most materials as well as travel great distances. This type of radiation requires lead shielding
There are two types of radiation's to worry about. They are ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation is a product of natural sources like the sun. These cause minimal damage. The ionizing rays are the most harmful to our bodies and have effects that reach to the molecular level.
It is virtually impossible to escape exposure to radiation. Having a good sound plan of action to avoid over exposure is not only practical but could save a life. It may be necessary to buy your own EMF detector to test the levels in your home if you have a lot of devices like microwave ovens, TV's and computers. You can find them online and at reasonable prices. Once you know what the levels are you are in a better position to protect you and your family.
Now with the recent events in Japan the fear of radiation has once again reared its head. Although the radiation emitted by the new technologies cannot compare to what was released in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl or even this recent spill, it still is enough to cause adverse effects in humans and pets from prolonged exposure.
You can take measures to avoid over exposure to the EMF radiation, for tips on how to accomplish this read on.
1. There is no cure for radiation poisoning so it is up to you to limit your exposure to it. This can be achieved by increasing the time gap between exposures. If you have a lot of radiation producing devices in your home this may be hard to do. There should be at least one room that is safe for you and your family.
2. Alpha and beta radiation rays travel only a short distance, this is why when someone is exposed on a work site they are immediately removed from the site. The further away the better to minimize the exposure.
3. It is important to make sure that the devices you use have the best possible shielding around the source that produces these rays. It is not much of a problem with alpha and beta rays. Gamma rays are the strongest and can penetrate most materials as well as travel great distances. This type of radiation requires lead shielding
There are two types of radiation's to worry about. They are ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation is a product of natural sources like the sun. These cause minimal damage. The ionizing rays are the most harmful to our bodies and have effects that reach to the molecular level.
It is virtually impossible to escape exposure to radiation. Having a good sound plan of action to avoid over exposure is not only practical but could save a life. It may be necessary to buy your own EMF detector to test the levels in your home if you have a lot of devices like microwave ovens, TV's and computers. You can find them online and at reasonable prices. Once you know what the levels are you are in a better position to protect you and your family.