How to Do Yoga Bandha Poses
- 1). Begin with mula bandha, practicing your tribandha yoga poses after your yoga routine as part of your meditation practice. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged pose and concentrate on the triangle formed by your hip bones and your tail bone. Keep your belly soft as you draw the triangle down towards the floor to awaken the spinal energy in your tailbone.
- 2). Breathe slowly and deeply. With each inhalation, relax the pelvic triangle. As you exhale, imagine the energy as light, building and pushing out each corner of the triangle. Remember that bandha poses are subtle and more about energetic work than physical work. Continue in mula bandha for at least 5 minutes.
- 3). Move into uddiyana bandha, stimulating the energy created in mula bandha to begin moving up the spine. Remain in your cross-legged position as you inhale through your nose, breathing deeply into the abdominal region. Exhale forcefully through your mouth, pulling your stomach in tight and rounding your upper body forward. Concentrate on the building energy and perform the bandha for at least ten full, slow breaths.
- 4). Finish with the yoga jalandhara bandha while still in your cross-legged position. Inhale slowly and deeply with your head facing forward and then drop your chin to your chest as you exhale. Exhale fully, imagining the energy created in the first two bandhas moving up along the neck and out the top of the head. Inhale, lift your head and exhale again, dropping your chin.
- 5). Repeat the jalandhara bandha for 3 to 5 minutes to complete the tribandha series. At this point, you can either end your meditation or continue a meditation pose to reach deep relaxation.