Real Men Keep Their Strength
As a man gets older he starts to realize the warranty on his body has indeed expired.
The time for some remedial body work is well overdue.
This is not the time to slow down and take it easy like you think you should - your body needs the work right now and delay isn't an option.
There is a risk of falling into a sedentary lifestyle which is the worst thing you can do as you get older.
There is a 'danger zone' period for men from the age of 40 to 65 where the numbers of men that die from heart disease alone double that for women.
Our modern sedentary world has not helped the male human.
Previous generations had to work hard manually just to feed and clothe their family every single day.
The male especially has been built to be able to perform hard physical work to ensure survival of the species but this has all changed in the modern world.
Most men barely do anything that even remotely resembles physical work anymore.
They spent most of their day sitting in a chair barely moving, from the car, to the desk, to the car and to the couch.
But the problem is without the vigorous activity their bodies cannot stimulate the 'growth and repair' hormones that keep them healthy.
This sends a human body on a downward spiral of decay and degeneration well before its time.
The main trigger of this downhill run is the loss of muscle and bone from the lack of physical activity which amounts for at least one half pound per year from the mid 20's.
This rate doubles after age 50 dragging health further down.
All systems weaken including the immune system which increases risk of life threatening disease.
This is why killers like heart disease, cancer and diabetes are called 'lifestyle diseases' as they are caused by not doing enough muscle building and maintaining activity.
As it is not naturally in our lives anymore it is critical to put intentional exercise back in if you want to get to know your grandchildren.
That's if you even get to meet them.
Men need to get rid of the 'she'll be right' attitude and take some responsibility for their own health and wellness.
They often take more care of their car than their own strength and fitness.
Exercising and eating better is not a 'sissy' or 'optional extra' if there is time left over - it is a necessity in our sedentary world if you value your life.
Don't wait till the wheels fall off and you have a major problem that can't be fixed.
Get yourself the help of a fitness professional to get your strength training program set up so you get the most 'bang for your buck'.
Don't waste your time doing ineffective activities like walking jogging or cycling that are fine as part of an active lifestyle but do not address the problem of muscle and bone loss - the number one bio market of aging.
Get stuck into your program and put some effort into it.
Imagine yourself as one of your ancestors and the amount of effort that would have had to put into each and every day.
You have the capacity to do that too, so use it and keep your body strong and healthy.
The time for some remedial body work is well overdue.
This is not the time to slow down and take it easy like you think you should - your body needs the work right now and delay isn't an option.
There is a risk of falling into a sedentary lifestyle which is the worst thing you can do as you get older.
There is a 'danger zone' period for men from the age of 40 to 65 where the numbers of men that die from heart disease alone double that for women.
Our modern sedentary world has not helped the male human.
Previous generations had to work hard manually just to feed and clothe their family every single day.
The male especially has been built to be able to perform hard physical work to ensure survival of the species but this has all changed in the modern world.
Most men barely do anything that even remotely resembles physical work anymore.
They spent most of their day sitting in a chair barely moving, from the car, to the desk, to the car and to the couch.
But the problem is without the vigorous activity their bodies cannot stimulate the 'growth and repair' hormones that keep them healthy.
This sends a human body on a downward spiral of decay and degeneration well before its time.
The main trigger of this downhill run is the loss of muscle and bone from the lack of physical activity which amounts for at least one half pound per year from the mid 20's.
This rate doubles after age 50 dragging health further down.
All systems weaken including the immune system which increases risk of life threatening disease.
This is why killers like heart disease, cancer and diabetes are called 'lifestyle diseases' as they are caused by not doing enough muscle building and maintaining activity.
As it is not naturally in our lives anymore it is critical to put intentional exercise back in if you want to get to know your grandchildren.
That's if you even get to meet them.
Men need to get rid of the 'she'll be right' attitude and take some responsibility for their own health and wellness.
They often take more care of their car than their own strength and fitness.
Exercising and eating better is not a 'sissy' or 'optional extra' if there is time left over - it is a necessity in our sedentary world if you value your life.
Don't wait till the wheels fall off and you have a major problem that can't be fixed.
Get yourself the help of a fitness professional to get your strength training program set up so you get the most 'bang for your buck'.
Don't waste your time doing ineffective activities like walking jogging or cycling that are fine as part of an active lifestyle but do not address the problem of muscle and bone loss - the number one bio market of aging.
Get stuck into your program and put some effort into it.
Imagine yourself as one of your ancestors and the amount of effort that would have had to put into each and every day.
You have the capacity to do that too, so use it and keep your body strong and healthy.