How to Set Goals the SMART Way
When it comes to getting through life, we have to prioritize and figure out what we want and when we want it.
The not-so secret way to do this is by setting goals.
You can set a goal to accomplish anything.
Whether it's getting a good grade in a certain class, making the varsity field hockey team or saving for college or a car, goal setting will help you get you there.
How do you set goals? Use the SMART acronym.
SMART stands for "specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
" In other words, when you set a goal, it needs to be realistic, specific, and measurable; that way you have a path to guide you.
Let's see how this works in a real life situation.
We'll say that your goal is to get better grades in school.
Well, that is a wonderful aspiration, but it does not meet our SMART standards; it's not specific enough and does not even give you a deadline or way to see if you are on your way to reach your goal.
To make this goal a SMART goal, it could look read like this: "I want to get a B in all of my classes this semester.
" That's more specific and you have a deadline.
Now all you need to do is make a list of actions that will get you B's in all of your classes, such as turning in all of your work on time, showing up to class on time, and taking notes from your teacher or professor.
You also know when the end of the semester is, so you can work back from that date and pace yourself, rather than feeling overwhelmed by so much work at the beginning of the semester.
How do you measure this goal? You will look at the grades you get on your homework, quizzes and tests.
If they are not at the B level, then you have to take action.
See your teacher and get help where you are falling short.
Your teacher can let you know what you need to do in order to get back on track.
Your final measurement of your goal will be your grade at the end of the semester.
Is this realistic? I cannot tell you that.
I believe that it is regardless of your past grades or the subject of the class.
I am confident in saying that because if this is something you really want, then you will put in the work to get the grades you want.
That's really the basics of goal setting and how you do it the SMART way.
You can use this method for any goal in life and you will be amazed at how much more you get out of life just be setting goals the SMART way.
How to Set Goals the SMART Way © Copyright 2011 Wendy Stewart NOTICE: You are free to reprint this article as long as ALL hyperlinks and the author's resource box remain in tact.
The not-so secret way to do this is by setting goals.
You can set a goal to accomplish anything.
Whether it's getting a good grade in a certain class, making the varsity field hockey team or saving for college or a car, goal setting will help you get you there.
How do you set goals? Use the SMART acronym.
SMART stands for "specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
" In other words, when you set a goal, it needs to be realistic, specific, and measurable; that way you have a path to guide you.
Let's see how this works in a real life situation.
We'll say that your goal is to get better grades in school.
Well, that is a wonderful aspiration, but it does not meet our SMART standards; it's not specific enough and does not even give you a deadline or way to see if you are on your way to reach your goal.
To make this goal a SMART goal, it could look read like this: "I want to get a B in all of my classes this semester.
" That's more specific and you have a deadline.
Now all you need to do is make a list of actions that will get you B's in all of your classes, such as turning in all of your work on time, showing up to class on time, and taking notes from your teacher or professor.
You also know when the end of the semester is, so you can work back from that date and pace yourself, rather than feeling overwhelmed by so much work at the beginning of the semester.
How do you measure this goal? You will look at the grades you get on your homework, quizzes and tests.
If they are not at the B level, then you have to take action.
See your teacher and get help where you are falling short.
Your teacher can let you know what you need to do in order to get back on track.
Your final measurement of your goal will be your grade at the end of the semester.
Is this realistic? I cannot tell you that.
I believe that it is regardless of your past grades or the subject of the class.
I am confident in saying that because if this is something you really want, then you will put in the work to get the grades you want.
That's really the basics of goal setting and how you do it the SMART way.
You can use this method for any goal in life and you will be amazed at how much more you get out of life just be setting goals the SMART way.
How to Set Goals the SMART Way © Copyright 2011 Wendy Stewart NOTICE: You are free to reprint this article as long as ALL hyperlinks and the author's resource box remain in tact.