10 Yoga Blogs to Watch
Lately it seems like everyone has a blog, whether for hydroponic tomato growers, lovers of all things Pomeranian, or aficionados of tango. The yoga world is no exception, and this practice that spent so long in remote mountain caves is now online and accessible for everyone with an internet hook up and a love of all things asana. Blogs can be a beautiful thing. They can give you a sense of community and connection and a valuable source of information at no cost and with very little investment of time. The challenge becomes in separating the gems from, let's face it, the glass. You hardly have time to squeeze in your practice of yoga, let alone time to search and read and screen the best of the best blogs. No worries! Spirit Voyage has trolled the web, repeated the sun salutations, chanted the "om" and found you ten yoga blogs to follow. You're certain to find the right style, speed and format that will best support you and your practice from our list. 1) Spirit Voyage www.spiritvoyage.blog.com If we may so ourselves (and we don't mind if we do), the Spirit Voyage blog is a wonderful resource for all things yoga, chant and Kundalini. Articles range from interviews with sacred chant artists like Snatam Kaur to entries on Kundalini yoga kriyas to balance the chakras to mantras for prosperity. Quality is high, the photos are informative, and there are helpful links to products and websites that might be of interest to the yogic community. 2) Yoga Mint www.yogamint.com This wonderful blog offers bit sized pieces of advice to freshen your day like a little mint. It covers yoga and all things related to the yogic lifestyle. Recent articles include advice on how to wash your hair the yogic way and how food can help your neck! 3) Yoga Journal blogs.yogajournal.com Yoga Journal is always a wonderful resource for any yogi and the blogs online are from members of the yoga world who are sharing yoga with seniors in libraries, their young sons in their living rooms, and themselves in the dark where no one can see them. You'll learn how very not alone you are if you are still trying to master downward dog and find a friend you've never met working on Peacock pose. 4) Elephant Journal www.elephantjournal.com Elephant Journal is hardly a journal. It's more like an online world that pulls together yoga and yogic living into an elephant sized resource. They aren't afraid to tackle issues like the environment and even controversial topics like marijuana use for PSTD. 5) I am Woman http://www.kundaliniresearchinstitute.org/iamawoman/blog/ This blog is devoted to Kundalini yoga for women as taught by Yogi Bhajan. In addition to its discussions of Yogi Bhajan's teachings and Kundalini, it also addresses topics of interest to women around the world, such as genital mutilation in Africa and the passage of the health care bill in the US stipulating that insurance companies cannot raise premiums for women simply for being women. 6) Yoga Like Salt http://yogalikesalt.wordpress.com/ Small town yoga at its best. This well-written and insightful blog is from a small town northern California yoga teacher who taps into the pulse of yoga outside of the big cities and away from famous yoga studios. A recent post eloquently examined whether your backbends could be making you angry. 7) The Everything Yoga Blog http://www.itsallaboutyoga.com/ This blog is about, you guessed it, everything yoga. The writer of this blog enjoys just about every style of yoga and blogs about all of them. Good for book reviews and diet tips as well. 8) Yoga Abode http://www.yogaabode.com A wonderful resource for yogis, especially European yogis. Featured poses, interviews with yoga teachers, and much more. 9) Metal Yoga's Blog http://metalyoga.wordpress.com/ This blog reminds us of what we like about the yoga world. This is the word craft of a metal rocker with long hair, tattoos and great form. Well-written, well-thought and frankly, stereotype shattering. Heavy on yoga theory, this is a wonderful place to read about one man's journey into the yamas and niyamas of yoga. 10) Peace Love Yoga http://peaceloveyoga.blogspot.com/ A niche blog for the lovers of Ashtanga yoga, this blog has beautiful demonstration videos and lovely photos of travel around Iceland. It reminds us to get up off the mat and take our yoga out into the world. Did we miss anything? Tell us about your favorite yoga blogs! *Editor's note: Ramdesh failed to mention her own blog No Ordinary Light which is one of the best yogic lifestyle blogs out there