Is This the Right Time to Get Pregnant? Your 4-Point Checklist
If you are planning to get pregnant, there are a couple of things that you must take into your careful consideration.
Before you start making efforts to conceive, you are strongly recommended to give the following factors a serious thought because they are directly associated with the future of your and your baby's life.
Taking care of these basics now will make things much smoother for you later.
Preconceptional Health Check Up This is obviously the first thing that you have to do.
Always remember, it is not just the mother's health, but even father's health also has a great impact on your baby's health.
Therefore, make sure that you both get a thorough check up in order to make sure if everything is OK and whether this is the right time to get pregnant.
While making a visit to your practitioner, you should not hesitate in telling that you are actually planning for pregnancy.
If you want to get the best advice, tell them straight up.
The more specific you are, the better advice you will get.
Health Insurance The next thing that you have to check up is your health insurance policy.
You must know beforehand that who are covered under the policy and how much insurance coverage it provides.
The most important thing to make sure is whether your practitioner is on the list.
Other important factors to consider in this regard include whether there is any special parental program, whether high-risk parental care is covered, whether the coverage is available for midwives and birth centers, whether the baby care is also included in the coverage, and what exactly you co-pay is going to be.
You have to review your policy much ahead of time before you get pregnant because insurance companies usually don't allow policyholders to introduce changes in the policy more than once a year.
Financial Planning Are you financially ready to afford the costs of having a baby? Make sure that you consider the financial aspects associated with getting pregnant thoroughly.
Think about all the things that your baby will need, such as car seats, diapers, and other such things.
Start saving money to make a special fund for your baby.
You will also need to look into your housing and car situation.
Is the situation good enough or does it need an upgrade? Family Leave Policies Do not forget to check your family leave-policies as well.
These days many companies provide both maternity as well as paternity leaves.
Therefore, you are recommended to look into both.
This will help you in planning your pregnancy in a much better way.
Overall, if you keep in mind this 4-point checklist, it will make things very easy for you and you will be able to decide whether it is the right time to get pregnant.
Before you start making efforts to conceive, you are strongly recommended to give the following factors a serious thought because they are directly associated with the future of your and your baby's life.
Taking care of these basics now will make things much smoother for you later.
Preconceptional Health Check Up This is obviously the first thing that you have to do.
Always remember, it is not just the mother's health, but even father's health also has a great impact on your baby's health.
Therefore, make sure that you both get a thorough check up in order to make sure if everything is OK and whether this is the right time to get pregnant.
While making a visit to your practitioner, you should not hesitate in telling that you are actually planning for pregnancy.
If you want to get the best advice, tell them straight up.
The more specific you are, the better advice you will get.
Health Insurance The next thing that you have to check up is your health insurance policy.
You must know beforehand that who are covered under the policy and how much insurance coverage it provides.
The most important thing to make sure is whether your practitioner is on the list.
Other important factors to consider in this regard include whether there is any special parental program, whether high-risk parental care is covered, whether the coverage is available for midwives and birth centers, whether the baby care is also included in the coverage, and what exactly you co-pay is going to be.
You have to review your policy much ahead of time before you get pregnant because insurance companies usually don't allow policyholders to introduce changes in the policy more than once a year.
Financial Planning Are you financially ready to afford the costs of having a baby? Make sure that you consider the financial aspects associated with getting pregnant thoroughly.
Think about all the things that your baby will need, such as car seats, diapers, and other such things.
Start saving money to make a special fund for your baby.
You will also need to look into your housing and car situation.
Is the situation good enough or does it need an upgrade? Family Leave Policies Do not forget to check your family leave-policies as well.
These days many companies provide both maternity as well as paternity leaves.
Therefore, you are recommended to look into both.
This will help you in planning your pregnancy in a much better way.
Overall, if you keep in mind this 4-point checklist, it will make things very easy for you and you will be able to decide whether it is the right time to get pregnant.