Even the Founder of LifeLock Isn"t Immune to ID Theft.
Back in March, I wrote a post in my blog regarding the increase in identity theft occurrences, questioning the need to pay firms to act as watchdogs when it can be done on your own at little out-of-pocket cost. Well, it appears that you may be better off taking matters into your own hands after the founder of LifeLock has seen his own personal information compromised on numerous occasions.
You know the guy, Todd Davis, who in those television commercials gives out his own personal social security number in an attempt to convince you that his company can protect your information for a fee. Well, as it turns out, he was wrong. In an article posted by USA Today, lawsuits are mounting as details emerge regarding Mr. Davis' own problems with identity theft.
Without reiterating the entire article and the facts surrounding the issue, I will simply point out that Mr. Davis claims that there are no indications on any of his credit bureau reports of identity theft. However, that point is misleading simply because as anyone knows, new information is not reported to the bureaus, or even posted immediately. It may also be a case of a criminal simply not choosing to attempt to steal Mr. Davis identity at this particular point in time. They may very well be laying in wait for a more opportune time to do so. In either event, simply having his information compromised is the point that I stress. Regardless of whether or not fraud is actually committed, the fact still remains that a paying customer can have their personal, confidential information hijacked.
Now, can the same thing happen without paying a fee to a monitoring service? Absolutely! But, why would you spend even the $10 monthly fee if the result is the same as if you had been monitoring your own credit? Simply put, if you take the information from the guide I wrote about back in March, and visit some of the links to consumer groups I have posted on my main business site for GreenBridge Advisors you can put yourself at a decided advantage over potential identity theives.
You know the guy, Todd Davis, who in those television commercials gives out his own personal social security number in an attempt to convince you that his company can protect your information for a fee. Well, as it turns out, he was wrong. In an article posted by USA Today, lawsuits are mounting as details emerge regarding Mr. Davis' own problems with identity theft.
Without reiterating the entire article and the facts surrounding the issue, I will simply point out that Mr. Davis claims that there are no indications on any of his credit bureau reports of identity theft. However, that point is misleading simply because as anyone knows, new information is not reported to the bureaus, or even posted immediately. It may also be a case of a criminal simply not choosing to attempt to steal Mr. Davis identity at this particular point in time. They may very well be laying in wait for a more opportune time to do so. In either event, simply having his information compromised is the point that I stress. Regardless of whether or not fraud is actually committed, the fact still remains that a paying customer can have their personal, confidential information hijacked.
Now, can the same thing happen without paying a fee to a monitoring service? Absolutely! But, why would you spend even the $10 monthly fee if the result is the same as if you had been monitoring your own credit? Simply put, if you take the information from the guide I wrote about back in March, and visit some of the links to consumer groups I have posted on my main business site for GreenBridge Advisors you can put yourself at a decided advantage over potential identity theives.