What Is a Non-Reactive Saucepan?
- Saucepans can be made from a wide variety of materials. Traditionally, they were made from metals. Iron was the first metal used in a pan. In more recent years copper and light aluminum have become popular because they transmit heat so quickly. The problem with these materials is that the pan itself will react with some types of food. Acidic foods especially react with metal. While iron is not harmful to your system, aluminum and copper can be detrimental to your health and may leave an unpleasant taste in your food.
- Non-reactive sauce pans can be made from a wide variety of materials. Glass, enamel, ceramic, and stainless steel are among the most common non-reactive sauce pans. Stainless steel conducts heat very well, but this also means that your food will cool very quickly. Glass and ceramics, on the other hand, take a long time to heat up, but will keep your dinner warm for a long while.
- You may notice that a recipe asks you to use a non-reactive sauce pan to prepare the sauce. The reason is that there are ingredients in the recipe that will definitely react with that aluminum or copper pot.
Reactive Saucepan
Non-Reactive Sauce Pan
Some Recipes Ask for A Nonreactive Pan