38 Weeks Pregnant - Ready to Welcome the Little One?
The baby is just about to be born and these weeks are the final weeks in a mother's most memorable period of life. At 38 weeks pregnant, the baby is just about to be born.
The big day will be here soon, and you will have your bundle of joy in your arms. Mostly the babies are born after their expected date of delivery. Only 5% of the babies are born at their exact date of delivery. Experts cite many reasons why this happens, and one predominant reason given by them is that it happens due to different lengths of pregnancy in different races. Studies carried out by many scientists have shown that Indian and Pakistani women are most likely to give birth after the expected date. The rest of the world still delivers on time.
These are the last few days and be prepared to bear a lot of labor induced birth pains at this point. You will feel very bloated and huge and you might feel uncomfortable all the time. You will have to bear this in mind that sometimes it can be very painful and some mothers resort to painkillers for this. As far as possible when you are at 39 weeks pregnant you should avoid having pain killers as they might have adverse problems for the baby. According to doctors, when the babies sense that they are about to be born, they will send out a signal to the placenta which in turn will signal the brain to produce more estrogen. When this happens, labor pains will be induced in the mother's body.
Sometimes, the labor is not induced itself and in such a case, you can ask your partner to help by love-making or as a final resort you can also ask the doctor to go forward with the membrane sweep for starting the labor manually. The labor can be induced with the help of the special types of medicines and prescriptions.
The baby at this stage has started growing rapidly, the lungs and other organs are fully developed and the baby is ready to be born now. The brain is growing at a very high speed and the skin is turning pale now because of the fat layers getting deposited under the skin now. Most babies now weigh more than 4 kgs. Some of them can be as heavy as 4.5 kgs when they are born. He is almost 50 cms long and is poking your tummy from all the sides now.
During this time, it is very important for the mother to go through regular check ups. The doctor will keep on determining the position and the growth of the baby and make sure that nothing will go wrong during the delivery. The doctor will ask you to go thorough a fetal test which will determine whether you and the baby are safe enough to go forward with the pregnancy. You should also be aware yourself and make sure you inform the midwife of any anomaly that you might face.
The big day will be here soon, and you will have your bundle of joy in your arms. Mostly the babies are born after their expected date of delivery. Only 5% of the babies are born at their exact date of delivery. Experts cite many reasons why this happens, and one predominant reason given by them is that it happens due to different lengths of pregnancy in different races. Studies carried out by many scientists have shown that Indian and Pakistani women are most likely to give birth after the expected date. The rest of the world still delivers on time.
These are the last few days and be prepared to bear a lot of labor induced birth pains at this point. You will feel very bloated and huge and you might feel uncomfortable all the time. You will have to bear this in mind that sometimes it can be very painful and some mothers resort to painkillers for this. As far as possible when you are at 39 weeks pregnant you should avoid having pain killers as they might have adverse problems for the baby. According to doctors, when the babies sense that they are about to be born, they will send out a signal to the placenta which in turn will signal the brain to produce more estrogen. When this happens, labor pains will be induced in the mother's body.
Sometimes, the labor is not induced itself and in such a case, you can ask your partner to help by love-making or as a final resort you can also ask the doctor to go forward with the membrane sweep for starting the labor manually. The labor can be induced with the help of the special types of medicines and prescriptions.
The baby at this stage has started growing rapidly, the lungs and other organs are fully developed and the baby is ready to be born now. The brain is growing at a very high speed and the skin is turning pale now because of the fat layers getting deposited under the skin now. Most babies now weigh more than 4 kgs. Some of them can be as heavy as 4.5 kgs when they are born. He is almost 50 cms long and is poking your tummy from all the sides now.
During this time, it is very important for the mother to go through regular check ups. The doctor will keep on determining the position and the growth of the baby and make sure that nothing will go wrong during the delivery. The doctor will ask you to go thorough a fetal test which will determine whether you and the baby are safe enough to go forward with the pregnancy. You should also be aware yourself and make sure you inform the midwife of any anomaly that you might face.