Rhode Island Divorce - The Right Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer for You!
In your Rhode Island divorce proceeding I am absolutely .
positively certain that the most crucial decision you will make throughout the entire divorce process is the selection of the person to represent your interests.
As a husband, father, layman and now an attorney for men and women I make this statement from almost every perspective you can imagine.
Your decision on whether you present yourself or which attorney you retain to represent you in your divorce will make a monumental difference.
Selecting the right Rhode Island lawyer to represent you in your Rhode Island divorce matter is not the easiest thing to do so here are just a few things you want to consider.
How many divorce cases does the attorney handle in a year? 2.
What is the focus of the attorney's practice?For example, is it divorce and family law or does the attorney handle a good volume of personal injury cases? 3.
How much does the attorney charge per hour and what expenses does that include? 4.
Does the attorney have available references to divorce and/or family law clients who would be willing to speak with you about his or her services and what is the relationship of those clients to the attorney (i.
brother-in-law, friend, etc...
or a referred client).
Does the attorney address fees and costs first before even discussing your issues with you?(i.
does he or she seem more interested in money issues than in working with you regarding your case...
) Choosing the right attorney for your divorce matter is CRUCIAL!It is the single most important thing you will do in your divorce proceeding.
By the end of the interview / consultation you should assess whether or not you feel like you got a good sense of the attorney and that he or she is a genuine yet knowledgeable practitioner that you could see representing you.
Generally speaking I call this the "KLT" Test.
At the end of the interview do you feel that based upon the length of the meeting that you "Know" .
"Like" .
and "Trust" the divorce attorney such that you can see him or her representing your interests in a knowledgeable and positive manner before the Rhode Island family court.
If your answer to the KLT Test is yes .
yes .
and yes .
and if the retainer and fee arrangementto retain the attorney are comparable to other attorneys you have interviewed .
the attorney regularly practices before the Rhode Island family courts then it's very likely that you have a good attorney to represent your interests.
Having the Right Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer on your side makes ALL the difference!
positively certain that the most crucial decision you will make throughout the entire divorce process is the selection of the person to represent your interests.
As a husband, father, layman and now an attorney for men and women I make this statement from almost every perspective you can imagine.
Your decision on whether you present yourself or which attorney you retain to represent you in your divorce will make a monumental difference.
Selecting the right Rhode Island lawyer to represent you in your Rhode Island divorce matter is not the easiest thing to do so here are just a few things you want to consider.
How many divorce cases does the attorney handle in a year? 2.
What is the focus of the attorney's practice?For example, is it divorce and family law or does the attorney handle a good volume of personal injury cases? 3.
How much does the attorney charge per hour and what expenses does that include? 4.
Does the attorney have available references to divorce and/or family law clients who would be willing to speak with you about his or her services and what is the relationship of those clients to the attorney (i.
brother-in-law, friend, etc...
or a referred client).
Does the attorney address fees and costs first before even discussing your issues with you?(i.
does he or she seem more interested in money issues than in working with you regarding your case...
) Choosing the right attorney for your divorce matter is CRUCIAL!It is the single most important thing you will do in your divorce proceeding.
By the end of the interview / consultation you should assess whether or not you feel like you got a good sense of the attorney and that he or she is a genuine yet knowledgeable practitioner that you could see representing you.
Generally speaking I call this the "KLT" Test.
At the end of the interview do you feel that based upon the length of the meeting that you "Know" .
"Like" .
and "Trust" the divorce attorney such that you can see him or her representing your interests in a knowledgeable and positive manner before the Rhode Island family court.
If your answer to the KLT Test is yes .
yes .
and yes .
and if the retainer and fee arrangementto retain the attorney are comparable to other attorneys you have interviewed .
the attorney regularly practices before the Rhode Island family courts then it's very likely that you have a good attorney to represent your interests.
Having the Right Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer on your side makes ALL the difference!