How to Get Affordable Auto Insurance Online
Is affordable auto insurance a thing of the past? Not if you have a computer and access to the Internet.
Here's how to get affordable auto insurance online with a top-ranked company.
Comparison Shop Many people don't realize that premiums for the same auto insurance policy can vary by hundreds of dollars from one insurance company to the next.
So the first step in getting affordable auto insurance is to compare rates from different companies, and the best place to do it is online.
You can spend hours on end going from one single-company website to another in search of affordable auto insurance, or you can go one-stop shopping at an insurance comparison website.
At a comparison site you spend a few minutes filling out a simple questionnaire with your insurance information and the amount of insurance you want, then you get quotes from multiple companies.
The advantages of using an insurance comparison site are: * You only have to fill out one questionnaire to get quotes from a number of companies.
* Most comparison sites only work with A-rated companies so you know the companies are reputable.
* The best comparison sites feature an online chat service so you can get unbiased advice and answers to your questions from an insurance expert (see link below.
) Using an insurance comparison website to get your auto insurance quotes is quick, it's easy, and it could save you hundreds of dollars a year.
Increase Your Deductible Your deductible is the amount of money you have to pay toward a claim before you insurance company will pay.
In order to get the cheapest auto insurance rate, you need to get the highest deductible you can afford.
For example, increasing your deductible from $250 to $500 will save you 15% to 30% on your insurance.
Increasing it to $1,000 could save you up to 50%.
Get Discounts Auto insurance companies offer discounts for a variety of reasons.
Some of the biggest money-savers are: * Discounts for having your homeowners or renters insurance and your auto insurance with the same company.
* Discounts for having safety features like air bags, seat belts, and anti-lock brakes.
* Discounts for driving fewer miles than the average driver.
* Discounts for having security features such as burglar alarms and anti-theft devices.
* Discounts for being a senior citizen.
* Discounts for being accident free for three years.
Ask your insurer what discounts you're eligible for and take advantage of them.
Here's how to get affordable auto insurance online with a top-ranked company.
Comparison Shop Many people don't realize that premiums for the same auto insurance policy can vary by hundreds of dollars from one insurance company to the next.
So the first step in getting affordable auto insurance is to compare rates from different companies, and the best place to do it is online.
You can spend hours on end going from one single-company website to another in search of affordable auto insurance, or you can go one-stop shopping at an insurance comparison website.
At a comparison site you spend a few minutes filling out a simple questionnaire with your insurance information and the amount of insurance you want, then you get quotes from multiple companies.
The advantages of using an insurance comparison site are: * You only have to fill out one questionnaire to get quotes from a number of companies.
* Most comparison sites only work with A-rated companies so you know the companies are reputable.
* The best comparison sites feature an online chat service so you can get unbiased advice and answers to your questions from an insurance expert (see link below.
) Using an insurance comparison website to get your auto insurance quotes is quick, it's easy, and it could save you hundreds of dollars a year.
Increase Your Deductible Your deductible is the amount of money you have to pay toward a claim before you insurance company will pay.
In order to get the cheapest auto insurance rate, you need to get the highest deductible you can afford.
For example, increasing your deductible from $250 to $500 will save you 15% to 30% on your insurance.
Increasing it to $1,000 could save you up to 50%.
Get Discounts Auto insurance companies offer discounts for a variety of reasons.
Some of the biggest money-savers are: * Discounts for having your homeowners or renters insurance and your auto insurance with the same company.
* Discounts for having safety features like air bags, seat belts, and anti-lock brakes.
* Discounts for driving fewer miles than the average driver.
* Discounts for having security features such as burglar alarms and anti-theft devices.
* Discounts for being a senior citizen.
* Discounts for being accident free for three years.
Ask your insurer what discounts you're eligible for and take advantage of them.