Oh, My Little Cuckoo
Please refer to the songs first as follows: 1) Oh, My Little Cuckoo, I will wait until you sing if you do not sing.
2) Oh, My Little Cuckoo, I will make you sing if you do not sing.
3) Oh, My Little Cuckoo, I will kill you if you do not sing.
4) Oh, My Little Cuckoo, I will let you go if you do not sing.
The above are songs, which described different personalities of 4 historically famous local lords.
All of them are deeply involved in unifying Japan in 16th century.
First one describes Ieyasu Tokugawa, who opened Shogun Government and stabilized new system.
Second is the one for Hideyoshi Toyotomi, who established a new system, safety, and security.
Third one is on Nobunaga Oda, who destroyed ancient regime and seeded new system.
Let us talk about 3), first.
Nobunaga was the one who destroyed ancient regime and introduced a new system.
He did not show respect to religions that controlled politics in his days.
He fought against established powers and authorities and destroyed them.
This song shows his firm will and power to carry out his strategy.
He did not mind to kill the cuckoo if it did not follow his order.
2) describes Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
He was a high-level subordinate of Nobunaga.
Nobunaga hired him when he was a son of farmer family.
Hideyoshi became one of the most influential generals of Nobunaga when Nobunaga was assassinated.
Nobunaga always gave him hard works.
Hideyoshi always accomplished the hard work.
The song 2) describes his confident that he could accomplish any difficult scheme.
Song 1) explains the personality of Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Ieyasu was smart strategist and determined fighter.
Unfortunately, however, in his early days, he always had higher ranked people than him, Nobunaga and Hideyoshi.
He was patient to wait until his time to come.
After both Nobunaga and Hideyoshi had died, he made a move and became Shogun to complete unifying all Japan in 1603.
He was a person with patience and persistence.
They all played their own role in history when the period was chaotic from the old regime to new.
Noteworthy here is that Nobunaga's speed and Hideyoshi's confidence could not stop Ieyasu to be the ultimate winner unifying all Japan.
Ieyasu has a sense of time to know if it is tail wind or head wind for him.
He had patience and endurance to wait until his time came.
His song teaches people to be patient in difficult times.
Finally, the song 4) describes Mitsuhide Akechi.
Mitsuhide was also a high-ranked officer of Nobunaga.
He could not stand Nobunaga's behavior to ignore and destroy old traditions of Japan.
He did not like Nobunaga's forceful approach against his enemies.
He betrayed and killed Nobunaga.
He is a traitor, but the song describes his compassionate side.
2) Oh, My Little Cuckoo, I will make you sing if you do not sing.
3) Oh, My Little Cuckoo, I will kill you if you do not sing.
4) Oh, My Little Cuckoo, I will let you go if you do not sing.
The above are songs, which described different personalities of 4 historically famous local lords.
All of them are deeply involved in unifying Japan in 16th century.
First one describes Ieyasu Tokugawa, who opened Shogun Government and stabilized new system.
Second is the one for Hideyoshi Toyotomi, who established a new system, safety, and security.
Third one is on Nobunaga Oda, who destroyed ancient regime and seeded new system.
Let us talk about 3), first.
Nobunaga was the one who destroyed ancient regime and introduced a new system.
He did not show respect to religions that controlled politics in his days.
He fought against established powers and authorities and destroyed them.
This song shows his firm will and power to carry out his strategy.
He did not mind to kill the cuckoo if it did not follow his order.
2) describes Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
He was a high-level subordinate of Nobunaga.
Nobunaga hired him when he was a son of farmer family.
Hideyoshi became one of the most influential generals of Nobunaga when Nobunaga was assassinated.
Nobunaga always gave him hard works.
Hideyoshi always accomplished the hard work.
The song 2) describes his confident that he could accomplish any difficult scheme.
Song 1) explains the personality of Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Ieyasu was smart strategist and determined fighter.
Unfortunately, however, in his early days, he always had higher ranked people than him, Nobunaga and Hideyoshi.
He was patient to wait until his time to come.
After both Nobunaga and Hideyoshi had died, he made a move and became Shogun to complete unifying all Japan in 1603.
He was a person with patience and persistence.
They all played their own role in history when the period was chaotic from the old regime to new.
Noteworthy here is that Nobunaga's speed and Hideyoshi's confidence could not stop Ieyasu to be the ultimate winner unifying all Japan.
Ieyasu has a sense of time to know if it is tail wind or head wind for him.
He had patience and endurance to wait until his time came.
His song teaches people to be patient in difficult times.
Finally, the song 4) describes Mitsuhide Akechi.
Mitsuhide was also a high-ranked officer of Nobunaga.
He could not stand Nobunaga's behavior to ignore and destroy old traditions of Japan.
He did not like Nobunaga's forceful approach against his enemies.
He betrayed and killed Nobunaga.
He is a traitor, but the song describes his compassionate side.