Miracle of Love
Sometimes we can feel so alone, and maybe feel very lonely, our elderly friends and relatives especially may experience this.
It can happen to any of us though.
There are ways to overcome these feelings.
We don't have to feel alone.
I have found that music helps me to revive my good feelings, even while I am still without physical, human companionship.
One thing that really helps me is knowing that my heavenly Father is always as close as my most recent thoughts.
He is always here and communicates with me in a warm, loving way.
I know I am never truly alone.
I also know that I am surrounded by other warm, loving, kind spirits who help me with myriads of daily thoughts and events.
None of us are alone in this sense.
We each have spiritual help always close by.
Sometimes we can block it out and not want to accept this help, but our Father is always near.
And He loves when we communicate with Him in loving ways.
When someone tells us about Creator, we may believe what they say.
But this is in the mind.
When we experience God our Father ourselves, then it becomes an emotion of the heart, and then we gain the miracle of His warm, loving companionship.
Then we know we are not alone.
Knowing we are not alone will make us feel better, and then we may want to help someone else.
This is when our life takes on a whole new dimension of good feeling.
As we reach out to help others, we feel less, and less alone.
We get to choose!
It can happen to any of us though.
There are ways to overcome these feelings.
We don't have to feel alone.
I have found that music helps me to revive my good feelings, even while I am still without physical, human companionship.
One thing that really helps me is knowing that my heavenly Father is always as close as my most recent thoughts.
He is always here and communicates with me in a warm, loving way.
I know I am never truly alone.
I also know that I am surrounded by other warm, loving, kind spirits who help me with myriads of daily thoughts and events.
None of us are alone in this sense.
We each have spiritual help always close by.
Sometimes we can block it out and not want to accept this help, but our Father is always near.
And He loves when we communicate with Him in loving ways.
When someone tells us about Creator, we may believe what they say.
But this is in the mind.
When we experience God our Father ourselves, then it becomes an emotion of the heart, and then we gain the miracle of His warm, loving companionship.
Then we know we are not alone.
Knowing we are not alone will make us feel better, and then we may want to help someone else.
This is when our life takes on a whole new dimension of good feeling.
As we reach out to help others, we feel less, and less alone.
We get to choose!