How to Convert PPTX to FLV
- 1). Download and install Xilisoft PowerPoint to Video Converter Free. When the installation process is complete, launch the conversion program.
- 2). Click the "Add PPT File" button on the toolbar, and select the PPTX file you want to convert.
- 3). Click the "Profile" drop-down menu and select the "FLV -- Flash Video Format" option.
- 4). Select a destination folder for the converter file.
- 5). Click the "Convert Checked Files" button to convert your PPTX file to FLV format. Your file will be saved in your chosen folder.
- 1). Download and install Moyea PPT to Video Converter.
- 2). Open the conversion program when the installation process is complete.
- 3). Click the "Add" button and select the PPTX file you want to convert.
- 4). Click the "Profile" drop-down menu. Highlight the "Common Video" menu option and select "FLV-Flash H.264 Video Format."
- 5). Click the "Output" field and select a destination folder for your converted file.
- 6). Enter a name for your video in the "File Name" field, and then select a resolution size for your FLV file from the "Video Quality" drop-down menu.
- 7). Click "Start" to convert your PowerPoint presentation to an FLV file.
- 1). Download and install PPTX PPTM to FLV Converter 3000.
- 2). Open PPTX PPTM to FLV Converter 3000.
- 3). Click the "Add Files" button on the toolbar and select your preferred PPTX file.
- 4). Click the "Settings" button to the right of the "Output Directory" field and select a destination folder for your FLV file.
- 5). Click the "Convert" button.
Using Xilisoft PowerPoint to Video Converter Free
Using Moyea PPT to Video Converter
Using PPTX PPTM to FLV Converter 3000