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Weeping Trees With Purple Flowers


Weeping Cherry (Prunus subhirtella pendula rubra)

The weeping cherry (Prunus subhirtella pendula rubra) tree is one of the best-known ornamental weeping trees. Often used in home landscaping, the pink weeping cherry has purplish-pink blooms covering its arching branches in spring and summer. Hardy in United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zones 5 through 9, it grows to a mature height of about 20 feet. Plant this small tree in full to partial sun.

Purple Wisteria (Wisteria sinensis purpurea)

The purple wisteria (Wisteria sinensis purpurea) has long clusters of flowers that droop from the branches. Though not technically a weeping tree, the drooping 12-inch blooms give it a similar appearance. According to the Ohio State University Extension, this small tree is hardy in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 4 through 9, and its flowers have a distinctive fragrance. The purple wisteria has a mature height of 8 to 10 feet. Plant it in full to partial sun.

Twilight Crape (Langerstroemia fauriei)

The twilight crape myrtle (Langerstroemia fauriei) is the darkest purple of all the crape myrtles, a staple of the Southern United States. It blooms 120 days a year and is hardy in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 7 through 9. This tree grows 20 to 25 feet tall, and its purple clusters of blooms dangle from its branches, giving it an appearance similar to a weeping tree. Plant it in full sun. For a true weeping crape myrtle, plant the much smaller New Orleans weeping crape myrtle, which grows to only 3 feet tall and has deep-purple blooms.

Lavender Twist Weeping Redbud (Cercis canadensis 'Covey')

Lavender twist weeping redbud (Cercis canadensis Covey) sports tiny, reddish-purple buds on its twisted branches. Flowers appear in early spring and remain in bloom two to three weeks. Reddish-purple, heart-shaped leaves that turn to dark green in summer and yellow in fall replace them. This umbrella-shaped tree grows to about 8 feet in full to partial sun. It does best in a protected area and is hardy in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 5 though 9. This spring specimen tree is a weeping version of the redbud native to the Eastern United States, according to the Fine Gardening website.
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