How do I Draw Disney Cuties?
- 1). Look at the picture of the Disney Cuties character to be drawn. Notice the simple shapes. For example, Minnie Mouse is a series of circles and a triangle. Her head is a large circle with two ear circles. The body which is wearing a skirt is a triangle shape.
- 2). Draw a circle for the head area on the paper.
- 3). Draw the guideline in with a light pencil line which will be erased later. According to Dragoart's website it helps to draw a guideline on the face to align the eyes, nose and mouth properly. The guideline is a pie-shaped ring that is divided into four pieces. The point where the four pieces join is the center point between the eyes.
- 4). Adjust the shape of the face by elongating the chin or shaping the cheeks. Use the eraser to rub out the portions of the face circle that are no longer needed. Draw ears and hair on the head.
- 5). Lightly sketch in the shape of the body or legs. This may be an oval, rectangle or triangle for example.
- 6). Draw the legs or body of the Disney Cutie. Add the feet or shoes.
- 7). Draw the clothing and hats.
- 8). Draw the two eyes at an equal distance from one another using the guideline. Add a snout, eyebrows, nostrils and mouth. Gently erase the guideline marks with the art eraser.
- 9). Add in any finishing touches. Color in the drawing with colored pencils.