Dark Alliance Tips
- "Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance," a game that combines RPG and action, provides a variety of foes and challenges. Certain tips can aid in progressing through the game. Tips include shedding unnecessary weight, swifter movement and expanded perspectives to reveal what lurks ahead. These tricks will work with any version of the game.
- The Gamecube, XBox and PS2 versions of the game allow access to a cheat menu. In this menu, you can apply cheats that will let you warp to a different level or become invincible. For the Gamecube version, press and hold the "X," "L," "R" half-way down, "Left" and "Z" at the character selection screen. Press and hold the left trigger, right trigger half-way, "Y", "A," right on the left analog stick and "Start" during gamplay for XBox versions. For PS2, press and hold "L1," "R2," "Left," "Triangle" and "Start" during gameplay.
- At the beginning of the game, you are provided with basic clothes including boots, gloves and pants. None of the garments or items have any value for defense. Therefore, you can rid yourself of 15 pounds of weight by selling them. After doing this, you will be just as defenseless but wealthier.
- The PS2 version features an easter egg for the loading screen. When you see the phrase "Loading," press the "R3" stick in any direction to make the flames on the screen move the corresponding direction. For the Gamecube and PS2 version of the game, you can play as the character Drizzt. Press "L1," "R1," "Triangle" and "X" at the character selection screen on the PS2 version. For the Gamecube version, press and hold "L" and "R" and tap "A." Press "L" and "R" until the character appears.
- You can duplicate items to give them to another player or sell them for gold. Start a co-operative game to begin the process. Save the first character and have him drop all of his items. Have a second character pick up these items. Remove the first character and load it again from the initial save point before it dropped its items. Repeat the process to acquire more items or gold.
Cheat Menu
Lessen the Load
Easter Eggs
Item Duplication