When People Judge Your Parenting Style
There is a plethora of information circling out their among your friends and family that, quite frankly, isn't golden wisdom but more like hogwash. Whether it be any of the many myths about alcohol and breastfeeding or how soon you can turn your baby forward facing in the car seat, there are going to be times when people offer you suggestions that your pediatrician would advise against.
In these instances, you've got a choice to make. You can either let the conversation drop by simply smiling and nodding, or you can use it as an opportunity to inform the person. You've got to know which method is best based upon the situation and the person.
Many times, it could be a person from an older generation who is rather stuck on the phrase "Well, when I was a parent..." You can either give a simple, "Is that so?" and let her have the platform (meanwhile you can mentally work on your grocery list as she rambles on). Alternatively, a simple message that goes along the lines of, "Well nowadays doctors actually recommend _____, and I am comfortable with that."
Respond: Ignore Them or Inform Them
In these instances, you've got a choice to make. You can either let the conversation drop by simply smiling and nodding, or you can use it as an opportunity to inform the person. You've got to know which method is best based upon the situation and the person.
Many times, it could be a person from an older generation who is rather stuck on the phrase "Well, when I was a parent..." You can either give a simple, "Is that so?" and let her have the platform (meanwhile you can mentally work on your grocery list as she rambles on). Alternatively, a simple message that goes along the lines of, "Well nowadays doctors actually recommend _____, and I am comfortable with that."