Homer, Alaska Unguided Moose Hunting
- Homer is located on the tip of the Kenai Peninsula, which is located southwest of the city of Anchorage. The city of Homer is surrounded by hills and forests, and north of the town is often referred to as Diamond Ridge by residents. Approximately 10 miles to the northeast is Fitz Creek, and thirty miles in the same direction leads to the Fox River and its tributaries.
- Hunting licenses are required for any moose hunting in the Homer area, and residents are not allowed to shoot moose within the town limits. All hunting must be done outside of the town borders. Licenses vary in price from year to year, but as of 2010 a hunting license for a resident cost $25 while a hunting license for a non-resident cost $85. Non-residents, with the exception of military servicemen, are required to have a big game tag.
- Limits on who is allowed to go on an unguided moose hunt around Homer are determined by the type of hunting license being used. Anyone hunting with a resident hunting license is allowed to hunt without a guide. The same applies to a hunter who is using a non-resident military license. Non resident-licenses vary based on GMU to GMU, but as of 2010 non-residents do not need a guide to hunt moose in Homer. By state law, anyone hunting with a non-resident alien license is required to have a licensed guide.
- The requirements for a legal moose around Homer can change on an annual basis, but as of 2010 a legal bull moose must meet at least one of two requirements. The first requirement is a 50-inch or larger spread from the center of the antlers. The second requirement is to have four brow tines on either side of the moose's head. A moose that has either one of these (or both) is legal during hunting season. If you're moose hunting without a guide, then you need to understand how to identify a legal moose on your own.
- Moose hunting in the Alaskan wilderness can be dangerous in even the best of circumstances. Even on a smaller area like the Kenai Peninsula, the area immediately north of Homer is pure wilderness, and you need to be prepared for a worst-case scenario. This is especially true without a guide. Having a first-aid kit on hand or a wilderness survival pack with you is mandatory (see Resources).
Licenses & Regulations
Identifying a Legal Moose