Who Determines the Gender of a Baby?
I often answer questions about exactly what goes into determining your baby's sex.
One common question that I'm commonly asked is: "who determines or is responsible for the baby's gender? Is it the mother, the father, or both?" I'll answer this question in the following article.
The Bottom Line On What Will Get You A Boy Or A Girl Baby: There's a seemingly simple answer to this question.
But, there are also a lot of variables that go into what you'll ultimately end up with.
However, if you strip everything else away, you'll get a girl baby if an X sperm chromosome successfully reaches and fertilizes your egg first.
However, if this turns out to be a Y chromosome, you'll get a boy.
However, there's a lot that goes into which of these chromosomes ultimately emerges the victor.
Obviously, the father-to-be's sperm is front and center here, but the mom to be plays a key role too and there is a lot that you can do together as a couple to ensure that your dark horse is the winner.
At the heart of all of these methods is the fact that the X and Y chromosomes act as differently as night and day.
Girl or X sperm are the strong and steady.
They live longer.
It takes a lot to shake them.
But, they're slow.
The boy or Y sperm are the fast but weak.
They are easily affected by the hurdles that they face, but if you can get them to survive these hurdles, they'll win out in this important race.
So, with these things in mind, let's look at how the woman or mom to be affects the baby's gender.
The Mom To Be Or Woman Can Control The Timing Of The Conception: Since boy sperm are so easy to die off, if you make them wait around on the egg, you're going to have a better chance of getting a girl.
So, if you want a daughter, you must know exactly when you ovulate and then count back three days from there.
Doing this will get a lot of the boy sperm out of the way and keep them from racing.
But, if you want a boy, you know that time is not on your side.
These weak little guys won't be able to successfully wait for the egg so you should wait until the day of or after ovulation to have intercourse.
This ensures that these guys are healthy and can use their speed effectively.
Now, for either of these methods to be effective, you must be very confident that you have a handle on your exact ovulation day.
You can't guess here.
I believe that saliva predictors are among the most accurate method that you can use, but whatever works for you is fine as long as it's very accurate and reliable.
Why The Mother's Acidity Is So Important: When I tell people that the woman is important in controlling a baby's gender - acidity is often what I am talking about.
If a woman is very acidic or has a high PH, she's more likely to have a girl baby.
Why? Because the acidity is not friendly to and will deteriorate Y sperm.
If a woman is more on the alkaline side, she's more likely to conceive a boy because this condition is more friendly to these guys who will then use their speed.
But, what happens if you're acidic and want a boy or are alkaline and want a girl? Or, what if you don't know where you fall? You can test yourself using little saliva PH strips that you can get at most health food stores.
Then, if you aren't naturally where you need to be (and most women aren't), you can follow a regimen meant to lower or raise your PH.
The corner stone of such regimens are typically diet and douching.
You'll avoid high PH foods if you want a boy and consume them if you want a girl.
And, you'll douche will solutions that are based on where you naturally fell and whether you're trying to raise or lower.
There are food lists and douche solution instructions that can help you with this.
Where You Both Contribute - Sexual Positions And Your Baby's Gender: The last piece of the puzzle is how you send the sperm to the egg.
If you use shallow penetration, you're more likely to get a girl because this gives the weak sperm a longer, harder destination.
But, if you use deep penetration, this will favor a boy because it gets the sperm where it needs to go, giving it less time in the hostile vaginal environment.
One common question that I'm commonly asked is: "who determines or is responsible for the baby's gender? Is it the mother, the father, or both?" I'll answer this question in the following article.
The Bottom Line On What Will Get You A Boy Or A Girl Baby: There's a seemingly simple answer to this question.
But, there are also a lot of variables that go into what you'll ultimately end up with.
However, if you strip everything else away, you'll get a girl baby if an X sperm chromosome successfully reaches and fertilizes your egg first.
However, if this turns out to be a Y chromosome, you'll get a boy.
However, there's a lot that goes into which of these chromosomes ultimately emerges the victor.
Obviously, the father-to-be's sperm is front and center here, but the mom to be plays a key role too and there is a lot that you can do together as a couple to ensure that your dark horse is the winner.
At the heart of all of these methods is the fact that the X and Y chromosomes act as differently as night and day.
Girl or X sperm are the strong and steady.
They live longer.
It takes a lot to shake them.
But, they're slow.
The boy or Y sperm are the fast but weak.
They are easily affected by the hurdles that they face, but if you can get them to survive these hurdles, they'll win out in this important race.
So, with these things in mind, let's look at how the woman or mom to be affects the baby's gender.
The Mom To Be Or Woman Can Control The Timing Of The Conception: Since boy sperm are so easy to die off, if you make them wait around on the egg, you're going to have a better chance of getting a girl.
So, if you want a daughter, you must know exactly when you ovulate and then count back three days from there.
Doing this will get a lot of the boy sperm out of the way and keep them from racing.
But, if you want a boy, you know that time is not on your side.
These weak little guys won't be able to successfully wait for the egg so you should wait until the day of or after ovulation to have intercourse.
This ensures that these guys are healthy and can use their speed effectively.
Now, for either of these methods to be effective, you must be very confident that you have a handle on your exact ovulation day.
You can't guess here.
I believe that saliva predictors are among the most accurate method that you can use, but whatever works for you is fine as long as it's very accurate and reliable.
Why The Mother's Acidity Is So Important: When I tell people that the woman is important in controlling a baby's gender - acidity is often what I am talking about.
If a woman is very acidic or has a high PH, she's more likely to have a girl baby.
Why? Because the acidity is not friendly to and will deteriorate Y sperm.
If a woman is more on the alkaline side, she's more likely to conceive a boy because this condition is more friendly to these guys who will then use their speed.
But, what happens if you're acidic and want a boy or are alkaline and want a girl? Or, what if you don't know where you fall? You can test yourself using little saliva PH strips that you can get at most health food stores.
Then, if you aren't naturally where you need to be (and most women aren't), you can follow a regimen meant to lower or raise your PH.
The corner stone of such regimens are typically diet and douching.
You'll avoid high PH foods if you want a boy and consume them if you want a girl.
And, you'll douche will solutions that are based on where you naturally fell and whether you're trying to raise or lower.
There are food lists and douche solution instructions that can help you with this.
Where You Both Contribute - Sexual Positions And Your Baby's Gender: The last piece of the puzzle is how you send the sperm to the egg.
If you use shallow penetration, you're more likely to get a girl because this gives the weak sperm a longer, harder destination.
But, if you use deep penetration, this will favor a boy because it gets the sperm where it needs to go, giving it less time in the hostile vaginal environment.