Where Can I Learn to Paint Cars?
- To learn how to paint your car, you can attend a community college. The program could include all facets of car repair work such as painting, welding and auto body work. The college will typically issue you a certificate after you complete the coursework. This will be a good starting point to help you get hired at an auto body paint repair shop. A program of this sort will help you understand everything that goes into painting cars. It looks so easy to just start painting a car; unfortunately this is the easy part. A lot of information needs to be assimilated before you can actually start painting. You also need the correct preparation.
- You can learn how to paint a car by watching some videos. These can be purchased online in a set. Each video will explain a different part of the painting process. You will be able to learn about color sanding, buffing, rust removal, rust repair, dent repair, metallic paint application and metal prepping. Every step builds on the previous one until you have all of the details and instruction needed to paint a car.
- If you decide to paint a car you can go to certain websites that will show you the entire procedure. They will give you a step-by-step breakdown, which allows you to take your time and move at your own pace. You can review the information over and over again whenever you get ready.
- To paint a car you will need the correct tools, including a spray gun, compressor, paint, sandpaper, solvents, gloves and an air respirator. You will also need a place to paint your car such as your garage, a paint booth or a car port.
Community College
Auto Websites