Bible Activities for Back to School
- To alleviate some anxiety from being separated from parents, you could help students make a pet rock, which will travel with them throughout the school day. Simply paint or attach some eyes to an average-size stone and have the students draw a smiling face beneath the eyes. This way, every time they reach into their pocket, they can be reminded that God is always with them. You could also teach the lesson in such a way as to remind students that God's promises as written in the Bible are always true, just like the pet rock will always be true to them, never leaving their side.
- For older students, you might consider briefly studying the number of times and places that the reader of Proverbs is admonished to study and learn. Incorporating case studies from history in which people failed to learn from the mistakes of the past may also be appropriate, and may set the tone for the attention and necessity for learning in your classroom. Have the students read over selected verses on this topic in small groups, and present their findings to the rest of the class. You could also have the students compete to memorize a selected Proverb with a prize given to first one to quote the verse in its entirety.
- This well-known book by Jonathan London can serve as a great learning tool and introductory Bible activity. Read the story to your students, then have them select the clothing that most closely resembles what they are currently wearing from a preselected laminated pile of clothing outlines. Have the students trace and color these pieces of clothes to cover a frog, which you will supply them. Tie this activity into a discussion of spiritual armor and clothing as presented in Ephesians 6.
- Talk to your students about how God loves to make new things, as in Revelation 21:5. Have each of the students plant a small seed in a soil-filled pot. Explain to them that they will experience many new things over the school year and that they will grow and learn and develop just like these seeds. Link these ideas to the verse and remind students that God is happy when we do this. Continue to grow the plants somewhere in the classroom and call students attention to it as it blooms and grows.
My Pet Rock
Book of Proverbs
Froggy Goes to School
All Things New