What are the reasons why so many individuals enjoy celebrity scandals?
A lot of people are delighting in the celebrity scandals of people such as Charlie Sheen and rationalise it by the basic fact that his net worth is in the millions. Just because someone is loaded doesnt imply that people must gain enjoyment from their personal weaknesses or hurt.
There are people on Myspace where their whole entire wall is loaded with insults of Paris Hilton, Rachel Bilson etc.. Now, if their Myspace account was made to just talk about things that befall to celebrities that would make more sense, but to talk about the subject, not put up insult after insult. But why is it that not a single thing else is applicable to that person (at least in the public domain)? More and more people use Myspace to point out what they are passionate about. What are those people genuinely passionate about I inquire?
Many of us makes errors and fail. It is unavoidable for all of us. I will acknowledge, I do not enjoy failure and I can not claim that I am grateful for nor will excessively praise failure like many people do. I do learn though, so in this sense failure is vital and relevant. I believe success can teach worthful lessons as well that shouldnt be disregarded. Nevertheless, once a celebrity has an affair, some people use that as a guiding rule for their own life. I have seen if Paris Hilton did it then everyone does type of posts. Really? Though unfaithfulness is not new and impacts many matrimonies as does problems with money (two of the most commonly known causes for separations), even if 1 single person does not cheat on their better half then everyone does not do it. How a celebrity lives doesnt have to be a personal guide for someone elses life.
Considering the fact that celebrities are so idolized in our society above most else, celebrity scandals may make them seem more human which is ok. But, to the point that people then perceive false relationships with a celebrity based on those failings is concerning. The thing about celebrities is that they are idolized because they have been able to capitalize on an ability that they have, which most non-celebrities have not. This places the celebrity on a pedestal until they 'flunk'. Once they 'bomb' they wind up as "merely like the rest of us" which permits the celebrity to be on the same level.
There are people on Myspace where their whole entire wall is loaded with insults of Paris Hilton, Rachel Bilson etc.. Now, if their Myspace account was made to just talk about things that befall to celebrities that would make more sense, but to talk about the subject, not put up insult after insult. But why is it that not a single thing else is applicable to that person (at least in the public domain)? More and more people use Myspace to point out what they are passionate about. What are those people genuinely passionate about I inquire?
Many of us makes errors and fail. It is unavoidable for all of us. I will acknowledge, I do not enjoy failure and I can not claim that I am grateful for nor will excessively praise failure like many people do. I do learn though, so in this sense failure is vital and relevant. I believe success can teach worthful lessons as well that shouldnt be disregarded. Nevertheless, once a celebrity has an affair, some people use that as a guiding rule for their own life. I have seen if Paris Hilton did it then everyone does type of posts. Really? Though unfaithfulness is not new and impacts many matrimonies as does problems with money (two of the most commonly known causes for separations), even if 1 single person does not cheat on their better half then everyone does not do it. How a celebrity lives doesnt have to be a personal guide for someone elses life.
Considering the fact that celebrities are so idolized in our society above most else, celebrity scandals may make them seem more human which is ok. But, to the point that people then perceive false relationships with a celebrity based on those failings is concerning. The thing about celebrities is that they are idolized because they have been able to capitalize on an ability that they have, which most non-celebrities have not. This places the celebrity on a pedestal until they 'flunk'. Once they 'bomb' they wind up as "merely like the rest of us" which permits the celebrity to be on the same level.