How to Make a Pipe Trap
- 1). Cut down a length of stove piping to approximately five feet using a sharp hacksaw. You may wish to hammer the sharp edges inward to avoid cutting your hands while maneuvering the pipe into position.
- 2). Cover one end of the pipe with wire mesh. Staple the mesh in place along the pipe opening using a staple gun. If the metal is too thick for staples, tap a small nail into place every few inches around the pipe rim.
- 3). Locate a tree occupied by squirrels near your house. Squirrels are especially fond of oak trees because they produce acorns. Check the ground for acorn shell fragments and the branches for squirrel dens.
- 4). Place the stove pipe against the tree trunk vertically, with the mesh end nearest the ground. Attach the pipe to the tree with a nail just below the rim of the pipe's upper opening.
- 5). Pour approximately one pound of dry corn into the pipe.
- 6). Squirrels will smell the corn and drop down the pipe to get to it. The pipe's smooth internal surface prevents them from running back up and escaping. Check your pipe trap every few hours.