Get Your Ex Back After a Terrible Break Up
"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.
" - Khalil Gibran.
This is so so true.
More often than not, we do not know how much someone means to us until we have or almost lost him or her.
But if you really love your ex, there are ways to get your boyfriend or girlfriend back.
The ways are not simple nor new, but have you really applied them? If not, please read on and make sure you apply them to get results.
First of all, you must know what you want.
Do you really want him/her? Or you just wanted to win or to prove something other than that you love him/her? It must not be a case jealousy where you have seen him/her with a new girlfriend or boyfriend then you suddenly want him back desperately.
You must also analyse the reason which leads to the break up.
If the reason can be resolved, then that is OK.
But if the reason is not (example incompatibility where you have to change him/her substantially in order to continue the relationship), then think carefully before you try to get your ex back.
While all have been said that you should not appear desperate and call your ex every 5 minutes, text him/her every 5 seconds etc, you should still keep in touch with him/her but through indirect ways.
That means, you should not call him directly.
Nor should you speak to him personally.
You may do this via a common friend.
Do it subtlety.
Never appear or let him/her know that you desperately wanted him/her back.
If you are a guy, you may be more proactive, but never appear desperate or needy.
For girls, appear to be happy and hard to get yet receptive of him would be good.
Suggest to him/her subtlety that you do not mind to still be friends even though you are no longer in a relationship.
If he/she agrees, that is good.
But if he/she does not, do not pester him/her.
Getting back your ex may take some time.
After all, a break up hurts the relationship in certain way.
During this period of trying to get your ex back, i suggest that you live your life to the fullest.
Go out with friends, indulge in some new hobbies, always remain positive and be happy.
Enjoy being a single before getting into the relationship again with your ex.
If you can do all these, you may appear to be attractive again as he or she would surely miss someone as positive and independent as you.
Be there for him/her...
This could be easily done if you two are still friends.
When he/she is down or going through some difficult time, lend him/her a hand and support that he/she needs.
Show him/her that you still care about them and you are such a wonderful person to be with.
" - Khalil Gibran.
This is so so true.
More often than not, we do not know how much someone means to us until we have or almost lost him or her.
But if you really love your ex, there are ways to get your boyfriend or girlfriend back.
The ways are not simple nor new, but have you really applied them? If not, please read on and make sure you apply them to get results.
First of all, you must know what you want.
Do you really want him/her? Or you just wanted to win or to prove something other than that you love him/her? It must not be a case jealousy where you have seen him/her with a new girlfriend or boyfriend then you suddenly want him back desperately.
You must also analyse the reason which leads to the break up.
If the reason can be resolved, then that is OK.
But if the reason is not (example incompatibility where you have to change him/her substantially in order to continue the relationship), then think carefully before you try to get your ex back.
While all have been said that you should not appear desperate and call your ex every 5 minutes, text him/her every 5 seconds etc, you should still keep in touch with him/her but through indirect ways.
That means, you should not call him directly.
Nor should you speak to him personally.
You may do this via a common friend.
Do it subtlety.
Never appear or let him/her know that you desperately wanted him/her back.
If you are a guy, you may be more proactive, but never appear desperate or needy.
For girls, appear to be happy and hard to get yet receptive of him would be good.
Suggest to him/her subtlety that you do not mind to still be friends even though you are no longer in a relationship.
If he/she agrees, that is good.
But if he/she does not, do not pester him/her.
Getting back your ex may take some time.
After all, a break up hurts the relationship in certain way.
During this period of trying to get your ex back, i suggest that you live your life to the fullest.
Go out with friends, indulge in some new hobbies, always remain positive and be happy.
Enjoy being a single before getting into the relationship again with your ex.
If you can do all these, you may appear to be attractive again as he or she would surely miss someone as positive and independent as you.
Be there for him/her...
This could be easily done if you two are still friends.
When he/she is down or going through some difficult time, lend him/her a hand and support that he/she needs.
Show him/her that you still care about them and you are such a wonderful person to be with.