How to Replace the Windows XP Boot Screen
- 1). Download BootSkin XP (see Resources) and save it on your desktop.
- 2). Double-click on the file you downloaded to install BootSkin.
- 3). Go to the "Start" menu and launch BootSkin.
- 4). Choose the skin you want to use from the list and press "Apply."
- 1). Go to WinCustomize (see Resources) if you did not find a screen you like in BootSkin.
- 2). Browse the galleries. When you find a screen you like, click on the green "Download" button and save the file on your desktop.
- 3). Click on the "File" menu in the BootSkin window and select "Import from file."
- 4). Select the file you just downloaded and press "OK."
- 5). Locate the screen on the list in BootSkin and press "Apply."
- 1). Go to the "Start" menu, then "All Programs," then "Accessories" and select "Paint."
- 2). Open the image you want to use as boot screen. Press "Ctrl + E" and change the size to 640 pixels by 480 pixels and change the number of colors to 16.
- 3). Save the file as a .BMP (bitmap) file.
- 4). Click on the "Start" menu and type "C:\Program Files\Stardock\WinCustomize\BootSkin\skins" in the "Run" field. Press "Enter."
- 5). Create a new folder by right-clicking inside the new window and selecting "New" then "Folder." Name the folder (the name is unimportant).
- 6). Copy your BMP image into that folder.
- 7). Right-click in the folder and select "New," then ".txt file."
- 8). Double-click on the file that was created and type:
Name = "Name of your boot screen(not optional)"
Author = "your name (optional)"
Description = "description (optional)"
Screen=name-of-your-image.bmp - 9). Save the file as "bookskin.ini."
- 10
Start BootSkin and locate the image you just created in the list. Click "Apply."
Default Screens
Importing Screens
Custom Screen