Homemade Household Cleaners
Homemade house cleaners are becoming more common now a days.
People in general are looking for alternatives to clean their home and help eliminate toxic chemicals that over the long term may do them harm.
I know I was tired of breathing in a bunch of chemicals when cleaning my house.
Some of the floor cleaners can be too strong I think.
They do smell okay like one I bought had a pleasant orange smell to it.
Homemade household cleaner work just as well as some of the over priced commercial cleaners.
By any means I'm not into natural or organic ways of life but after reading and applying some of methods to the floors, windows, and stainless steel appliances I was happy with the results.
A good all purpose clean is 1/4 cup baking soda, 1/2 gallon water, 1/2 cup white vinegar and boo bam you have a cleaner you can keep in a bottle when you need it.
Also a good tip when cleaning is when you do start from the top down, do the floors and carpets last.
I found out that when you do them last you will let the dust settle the dust from the other appliances and furniture on the floor.
I had a few stains on my carpet so I used white vinegar and water and let the mix stand for a few minutes and then cleaned the area with soap.
Homemade household cleaners are a nice alternative I think to the dangerous, chemical filled commercial chemical cleaners.
People in general are looking for alternatives to clean their home and help eliminate toxic chemicals that over the long term may do them harm.
I know I was tired of breathing in a bunch of chemicals when cleaning my house.
Some of the floor cleaners can be too strong I think.
They do smell okay like one I bought had a pleasant orange smell to it.
Homemade household cleaner work just as well as some of the over priced commercial cleaners.
By any means I'm not into natural or organic ways of life but after reading and applying some of methods to the floors, windows, and stainless steel appliances I was happy with the results.
A good all purpose clean is 1/4 cup baking soda, 1/2 gallon water, 1/2 cup white vinegar and boo bam you have a cleaner you can keep in a bottle when you need it.
Also a good tip when cleaning is when you do start from the top down, do the floors and carpets last.
I found out that when you do them last you will let the dust settle the dust from the other appliances and furniture on the floor.
I had a few stains on my carpet so I used white vinegar and water and let the mix stand for a few minutes and then cleaned the area with soap.
Homemade household cleaners are a nice alternative I think to the dangerous, chemical filled commercial chemical cleaners.