How to Make a Wasp Trap Out of a Soda Bottle
Things You'll Need
1Cut off the top of a two liter soda bottle. Make the cut just above the shoulder of the bottle.
Fill the bottom of the two liter soda bottle with water. Add 1/4 cup of vinegar to the water. Add a few drops of dish soap to the water. Vinegar will discourage honeybees and bumblebees from entering the trap. Dish soap will keep wasps from treading water.
Apply peanut butter to the neck of the bottle. Turn the top of the two liter bottle upside and insert it into the bottom of the bottle. This creates a funnel for the wasps to walk down into the bottle. Most will fall into the water and drown.
Empty the trap daily. The trap will be ineffective if too many wasps are floating on the water. The floating wasps will create a raft that they can land on, increasing their survival rate.