Playing Outdoors is Good For Kids
It's only natural that we should all worry about whether we are giving our children the best possible starts in life.
We might wonder about whether we are setting them a good example, whether we are feeding them the right foods and about how we could improve things.
Do we spend much time thinking about their exercise levels? Perhaps this is one area where many parents neglect to consider things as much as we should.
Recent reports have shown that many kids simply aren't getting as much exercise as they should be.
This is having a number of effects.
For some children it is being shown in increased obesity levels.
This is a worrying development.
In the first instance, it may lead to more teasing.
This is unfortunate and can be extremely unfortunate.
It may, however, only be the tip of the iceberg.
Obese children are likely to face far more health problems than healthy kids.
Such health issues may continue into adult life - this is partly due to the fact that their bad eating and exercise habits may continue.
Even if kids aren't clinically obese, they may be unfit.
This has its own health worries associated with it.
So what can we do to improve the situation? One answer is to encourage them to spend more time playing outdoors.
Outdoor play tends to be considerably more active.
As a result, it's great for burning calories and keeping fit.
If you don't think that your children will easily be persuaded to stop playing video games and spending time indoors then you may need to give them a little encouragement.
By demonstrating how much fun it is to play outside, you can show them that healthy activities can still be exciting.
If you're struggling for ideas then you could consider buying a paddling pool, trampoline or climbing frame.
All of these help to promote active play and are also great fun!
We might wonder about whether we are setting them a good example, whether we are feeding them the right foods and about how we could improve things.
Do we spend much time thinking about their exercise levels? Perhaps this is one area where many parents neglect to consider things as much as we should.
Recent reports have shown that many kids simply aren't getting as much exercise as they should be.
This is having a number of effects.
For some children it is being shown in increased obesity levels.
This is a worrying development.
In the first instance, it may lead to more teasing.
This is unfortunate and can be extremely unfortunate.
It may, however, only be the tip of the iceberg.
Obese children are likely to face far more health problems than healthy kids.
Such health issues may continue into adult life - this is partly due to the fact that their bad eating and exercise habits may continue.
Even if kids aren't clinically obese, they may be unfit.
This has its own health worries associated with it.
So what can we do to improve the situation? One answer is to encourage them to spend more time playing outdoors.
Outdoor play tends to be considerably more active.
As a result, it's great for burning calories and keeping fit.
If you don't think that your children will easily be persuaded to stop playing video games and spending time indoors then you may need to give them a little encouragement.
By demonstrating how much fun it is to play outside, you can show them that healthy activities can still be exciting.
If you're struggling for ideas then you could consider buying a paddling pool, trampoline or climbing frame.
All of these help to promote active play and are also great fun!