How to Insert Graphics in Email Signatures
- 1). Open the Microsoft Word program on your computer by Selecting the "Start" button followed by the "All Programs" button and the "Microsoft Office" file.
- 2). Create an email signature in the new blank document. Only add the text you want for your signature. Locate an area on the document near your signature where you would like your graphic to be and place the cursor in that location.
- 3). Select the "Insert" tab located at the top of the word button, followed by "Picture." This will bring up an "Insert Picture" window.
- 4). Choose the graphic you wish to add to the email signature by double clicking. The graphic will now show up where you placed the cursor at the end of Step 2.
- 5). Press the "Ctrl" key along with the letter "A" on your keyboard. Doing this will select or highlight the email signature you have created on the page. Press "Ctrl" and "C" on your keyboard at the same time to copy and transfer your email signature to the clipboard in Word.
- 6). Open Microsoft Outlook. Select "Mail" followed by "New" at the top of the program. Create or upload your email message.
- 7). Select the "Message" tab followed by "Signature" or "Signatures." This will bring up a new window for "Signatures and Stationery." Select "New" and enter a name for your signature.
- 8). In the main text field of the email hold the "Ctrl" key along with the letter "V." This will copy the email signature you have created. Select "OK" to finish.