H"s Birth
Updated March 05, 2015.
DH decided that he was tired and went to take a nap. It was nice to have him out of my hair he was going totally bananas and making me nervous. We agreed to wake him up when they started the pitocin.
The nurse came back in at the appropriate hour and checked me. I was now 2 cms! The big lesson that I learned here was that emotions really do have an important effect on your labor. So, she came back with the pitocin drip.
My cousin went to wake my husband. Pitocin had been one of my biggest fears, I even begged the nurse for an epidural before she started it. She knew how much I wanted to remain drug free and convinced me to give the pitocin a try. She said that she was just going to turn it on a bit and see how I did.
Almost immediately I started having contractions that made me concentrate, although had I been able to move around I think it would have been much easier to handle. Everyone there was giving me their complete attention, rubbing me and trying to keep me light-hearted. After two hours I was still 2 cms, and the baby's head hadn't come down far enough to think about getting out of bed yet. Back to the grind stone...
Four hours went by of the same thing, except with harder contractions that never really went away (typical of pitocin). Vicki, the nurse, came in again to check me. No progress! I was still really concerned with Dr. B coming back. She had really thrown me for a loop after seeing Dr.
G throughout the pregnancy. He would have sent me home and told me to come back, not have started me on this nightmare trip and try to convince me that it was my fault!
I just kept thinking about Dr. B. Vicki tried to tell me that I was just hurting myself by worrying. I didn't know what else to do. That nasally whine kept saying that I was going to kill my baby.
Six hours later and still going backwards....less than 2 cms dilated now. Vicki has to call Dr. B. Who relays to Vicki that she is coming in and will probably section me, because I couldn't just "follow instructions." I couldn't handle the continuous contraction anymore. I felt defeated. I asked again for the epidural.
They came to give me the epidural and didn't mention risks or benefits, despite asking. I got a "do you want it or not?" They made everyone leave the room and I curled up sitting on the edge of the bed and scratching the boots off of Vicki (I did apologize). Having the epidural catheter put in was really horrible. It was the most excruciating pain that I had ever felt. Then everyone left and Vicki told me to sleep.
My family came back in, D, my cousin, had left (He had wanted me to have drugs all along and now that he felt I was safe he felt comfortable enough to go home.). My mom went to catch a few winks before the baby got there. I had total pain relief and still couldn't sleep. I was still scared.
About 5 minutes after I the epidural had taken effect I reached down to touch my belly. And it had definitely changed shape, a shape I recognized as the baby coming. I reached further down and stuck a finger just barely between my legs, and I felt the baby's head!
I told my husband and cousin to wake up and get the nurse that the baby was coming! They laughed at me. Vicki was giving report and a new nurse came in, Jane. However, Jane had given me the non-stress test the week before after the car wreck. She laughed too, but agreed to check me.
Everyone stopped laughing and started making phone calls! They wanted neonatology because of the meconium, and Dr. B wasn't there yet (thank goodness for small favors), and nursery wanted to set up a warmer in my room.
Jane started telling me how to push, because I certainly couldn't feel it. And I was doing a good job, until Dr. B walked into the room and announced, looking at the monitoring strip, that she hadn't seen the tracing of the heart beat for 20 minutes! I just wanted to scream at her! She started yelling that I wasn't pushing right and that I couldn't let air out, etc., etc.! She put on an internal monitoring and then griped because it was in her way! She put forceps on and said how perfectly they lined up.
DH decided that he was tired and went to take a nap. It was nice to have him out of my hair he was going totally bananas and making me nervous. We agreed to wake him up when they started the pitocin.
The nurse came back in at the appropriate hour and checked me. I was now 2 cms! The big lesson that I learned here was that emotions really do have an important effect on your labor. So, she came back with the pitocin drip.
My cousin went to wake my husband. Pitocin had been one of my biggest fears, I even begged the nurse for an epidural before she started it. She knew how much I wanted to remain drug free and convinced me to give the pitocin a try. She said that she was just going to turn it on a bit and see how I did.
Almost immediately I started having contractions that made me concentrate, although had I been able to move around I think it would have been much easier to handle. Everyone there was giving me their complete attention, rubbing me and trying to keep me light-hearted. After two hours I was still 2 cms, and the baby's head hadn't come down far enough to think about getting out of bed yet. Back to the grind stone...
Four hours went by of the same thing, except with harder contractions that never really went away (typical of pitocin). Vicki, the nurse, came in again to check me. No progress! I was still really concerned with Dr. B coming back. She had really thrown me for a loop after seeing Dr.
G throughout the pregnancy. He would have sent me home and told me to come back, not have started me on this nightmare trip and try to convince me that it was my fault!
I just kept thinking about Dr. B. Vicki tried to tell me that I was just hurting myself by worrying. I didn't know what else to do. That nasally whine kept saying that I was going to kill my baby.
Six hours later and still going backwards....less than 2 cms dilated now. Vicki has to call Dr. B. Who relays to Vicki that she is coming in and will probably section me, because I couldn't just "follow instructions." I couldn't handle the continuous contraction anymore. I felt defeated. I asked again for the epidural.
They came to give me the epidural and didn't mention risks or benefits, despite asking. I got a "do you want it or not?" They made everyone leave the room and I curled up sitting on the edge of the bed and scratching the boots off of Vicki (I did apologize). Having the epidural catheter put in was really horrible. It was the most excruciating pain that I had ever felt. Then everyone left and Vicki told me to sleep.
My family came back in, D, my cousin, had left (He had wanted me to have drugs all along and now that he felt I was safe he felt comfortable enough to go home.). My mom went to catch a few winks before the baby got there. I had total pain relief and still couldn't sleep. I was still scared.
About 5 minutes after I the epidural had taken effect I reached down to touch my belly. And it had definitely changed shape, a shape I recognized as the baby coming. I reached further down and stuck a finger just barely between my legs, and I felt the baby's head!
I told my husband and cousin to wake up and get the nurse that the baby was coming! They laughed at me. Vicki was giving report and a new nurse came in, Jane. However, Jane had given me the non-stress test the week before after the car wreck. She laughed too, but agreed to check me.
Everyone stopped laughing and started making phone calls! They wanted neonatology because of the meconium, and Dr. B wasn't there yet (thank goodness for small favors), and nursery wanted to set up a warmer in my room.
Jane started telling me how to push, because I certainly couldn't feel it. And I was doing a good job, until Dr. B walked into the room and announced, looking at the monitoring strip, that she hadn't seen the tracing of the heart beat for 20 minutes! I just wanted to scream at her! She started yelling that I wasn't pushing right and that I couldn't let air out, etc., etc.! She put on an internal monitoring and then griped because it was in her way! She put forceps on and said how perfectly they lined up.