PC Gaming - Mom, Dad Is That You?
For way to long, the PC gaming market was for people under 20.
Then it moved to people under 30, Then to under 40, then to under 50 and now under 60.
OH MY GOD! Tell me it's not true, please! When the under 40 group started playing we could tolerate it because there weren't that many, plus we could destroy them in competition and make some money off of them.
We never felt guilty about taking money from them.
But now it is mom and dad playing! Are you kidding me? I thought their income was for my PC gaming habit.
I don't want to share! And, and, and I hate to say it but I could be online gaming against Grandma and Gramps soon.
OMG, tell me it's a nightmare.
Please wake me up, please! I will never mix energy drinks with booze again.
Make it stop! Since you are handling this so well, I will not even discuss the over 65 PC gaming crowd, even that's way too much for me to come to grips with.
So, please tell me all this is a very bad hallucination within a bad nightmare.
Sorry, this is not a nightmare.
The latest statistics show that over 26% of all gamers are over the age of 50.
That's 50 years not months.
Please, settle down, don't get nervous.
Put the light saber away.
Because of the entry of the over 50 crowd into the PC gaming market, the average age of a typical gamer is 34.
STOP IT! It's our domain.
Go find something else to do.
We heard bingo was cool.
Or try bowling please! I thought PC gaming was for kids, or grown-ups who thought they were a kid, or grown-ups who missed out on their first childhood.
But 26%, say it isn't so! The only thing left for kids is some sort of cereal but I heard more adults are eating that again.
Come on adults, leave us kids alone! Or was that teachers, sorry flashback there.
Let's move on.
So if 26% of all 50+ adults (and I use that term loosely) are gaming, are they the ones buying the games with the "INmature" rating? Get it Mom? Dad? Gramps? But sit down because there is more.
Oh great, why don't you just shoot me now.
OK, OK, I am ready, what is it? All the latest projections indicate that the over 50 and over 60 gamers (oh yuck, how can an over 50 adult be called a gamer, it makes me ill) will increase in numbers significantly over the next 10 years.
Nursing homes and senior centers throughout the United States are now incorporating PC video games into the senior's activities.
What's wrong, is a bowling ball to heavy, huh Grandma? Or you can't hear the bingo numbers being called, well turn up the hearing aid! Hey Grandpa, what's wrong with playing 9 holes of golf in 5 hours? Or playing tennis with 4 people to a side? Get outside like you use to tell us, get some fresh air, do something instead of sitting on your butt all day playing games, remember Mom? Dad? Grandma? Grandpa? Ohhh and don't use that dementia excuse again, that's getting old too.
How about the fact, never mind it has been totally debunked by science, that violent games lead to violent behavior? So what's next, old people beating each other to death with their canes and oxygen tanks? Well, it could happen, I can see it now in the headlines "17 people caned and tanked to death at senior citizen home when seniors go crazy after losing a PC video game to staff members".
Well, it could happen.
But why? It seems that PC video gaming can help improve reflexes, dexterity and the mind in people over 50.
Ohhh geeeez.
Let me get this right.
In old people it helps their minds but in young people it rots their minds? Sounds like a double standard to me.
Not really a double standard, it's never been scientifically proven to rot the minds of young people.
Oh sure, manipulate the facts to prove me wrong.
I don't get it, why is this article so "for" 50+ year olds playing PC video games? That's easy to answer, just stop for a second and think how much money we can win off of them.
I said they are playing PC video games, I didn't say they were good at it! Alllll right, then play on you old people!
Then it moved to people under 30, Then to under 40, then to under 50 and now under 60.
OH MY GOD! Tell me it's not true, please! When the under 40 group started playing we could tolerate it because there weren't that many, plus we could destroy them in competition and make some money off of them.
We never felt guilty about taking money from them.
But now it is mom and dad playing! Are you kidding me? I thought their income was for my PC gaming habit.
I don't want to share! And, and, and I hate to say it but I could be online gaming against Grandma and Gramps soon.
OMG, tell me it's a nightmare.
Please wake me up, please! I will never mix energy drinks with booze again.
Make it stop! Since you are handling this so well, I will not even discuss the over 65 PC gaming crowd, even that's way too much for me to come to grips with.
So, please tell me all this is a very bad hallucination within a bad nightmare.
Sorry, this is not a nightmare.
The latest statistics show that over 26% of all gamers are over the age of 50.
That's 50 years not months.
Please, settle down, don't get nervous.
Put the light saber away.
Because of the entry of the over 50 crowd into the PC gaming market, the average age of a typical gamer is 34.
STOP IT! It's our domain.
Go find something else to do.
We heard bingo was cool.
Or try bowling please! I thought PC gaming was for kids, or grown-ups who thought they were a kid, or grown-ups who missed out on their first childhood.
But 26%, say it isn't so! The only thing left for kids is some sort of cereal but I heard more adults are eating that again.
Come on adults, leave us kids alone! Or was that teachers, sorry flashback there.
Let's move on.
So if 26% of all 50+ adults (and I use that term loosely) are gaming, are they the ones buying the games with the "INmature" rating? Get it Mom? Dad? Gramps? But sit down because there is more.
Oh great, why don't you just shoot me now.
OK, OK, I am ready, what is it? All the latest projections indicate that the over 50 and over 60 gamers (oh yuck, how can an over 50 adult be called a gamer, it makes me ill) will increase in numbers significantly over the next 10 years.
Nursing homes and senior centers throughout the United States are now incorporating PC video games into the senior's activities.
What's wrong, is a bowling ball to heavy, huh Grandma? Or you can't hear the bingo numbers being called, well turn up the hearing aid! Hey Grandpa, what's wrong with playing 9 holes of golf in 5 hours? Or playing tennis with 4 people to a side? Get outside like you use to tell us, get some fresh air, do something instead of sitting on your butt all day playing games, remember Mom? Dad? Grandma? Grandpa? Ohhh and don't use that dementia excuse again, that's getting old too.
How about the fact, never mind it has been totally debunked by science, that violent games lead to violent behavior? So what's next, old people beating each other to death with their canes and oxygen tanks? Well, it could happen, I can see it now in the headlines "17 people caned and tanked to death at senior citizen home when seniors go crazy after losing a PC video game to staff members".
Well, it could happen.
But why? It seems that PC video gaming can help improve reflexes, dexterity and the mind in people over 50.
Ohhh geeeez.
Let me get this right.
In old people it helps their minds but in young people it rots their minds? Sounds like a double standard to me.
Not really a double standard, it's never been scientifically proven to rot the minds of young people.
Oh sure, manipulate the facts to prove me wrong.
I don't get it, why is this article so "for" 50+ year olds playing PC video games? That's easy to answer, just stop for a second and think how much money we can win off of them.
I said they are playing PC video games, I didn't say they were good at it! Alllll right, then play on you old people!