Celiac Disease: New Approaches to Therapy
Celiac Disease: New Approaches to Therapy
The increasing number of patients diagnosed with coeliac disease, as well as recent advances in characterization of its underlying pathology, has driven development of adjunctive or even alternative therapeutic approaches that could effectively manage or even cure this condition. Although several pharmacological agents for coeliac disease are currently under development or has been tried in clinical studies, gluten-free diet is still the only treatment option for these patients, which, regardless of the social aspect, lacks any significant or potentially life threatening side effects. Therefore, in addition to efficacy in terms of preventing both symptoms and histological damage, the ideal alternative therapy to lifelong gluten withdrawal will need excellent safety and efficacy. For example, antirejection medication may be effective, but could be associated with increased long-term adverse consequences.
Nonetheless, the potential therapeutic approaches that can be applied as either replacement for gluten withdrawal or an adjunctive treatment for coeliac disease have raised hopes in management of this condition and its adverse complications.
The increasing number of patients diagnosed with coeliac disease, as well as recent advances in characterization of its underlying pathology, has driven development of adjunctive or even alternative therapeutic approaches that could effectively manage or even cure this condition. Although several pharmacological agents for coeliac disease are currently under development or has been tried in clinical studies, gluten-free diet is still the only treatment option for these patients, which, regardless of the social aspect, lacks any significant or potentially life threatening side effects. Therefore, in addition to efficacy in terms of preventing both symptoms and histological damage, the ideal alternative therapy to lifelong gluten withdrawal will need excellent safety and efficacy. For example, antirejection medication may be effective, but could be associated with increased long-term adverse consequences.
Nonetheless, the potential therapeutic approaches that can be applied as either replacement for gluten withdrawal or an adjunctive treatment for coeliac disease have raised hopes in management of this condition and its adverse complications.