Video: Exercise Methods for Bums & Thighs
Video Transcript
Hi, it's Steve Pelletier. Today, we are going to talk about some effective exercises to work your bums and your thighs. You want to work out your glutes and your thighs because your lower body is your base of strength for your entire body. By integrating movements that engage your thighs and the rear end you are going to get a couple of really cool benefits. Number one you are going to build power and strength, strength you never knew you even had. Number two, you are going to burn a ton of calories because these muscles are so big as you do these movements you are going to torch your metabolism. Burn a lot of calories. And you are going to look so much better for it. Today at LA Workout in Camarillo I'm going to show you a couple of exercises that will really engage both your glutes and your thighs not only leading to strength but also leading to a very well defined physique. The first exercise is the infamous squat. I like to do a front squat, it's a little bit better for your back. The key when you are squatting down is as you go down you want to engage the butt and the thighs. Push-up against the floor. Pop your hips at the top. You'll have a nice powerful safe squat. The second exercise is the deadlift. Think about when you are doing deadlifts screwing your feet into the ground. Grabbing the bar and pushing the floor away with your glutes mostly, less your back. And if you do that you are going to get a tremendous feeling in your back posterior chain. The third exercise is the kettlebell swing. And if you do the kettlebell swing correctly as you come down and swing the kettlebell back up you are going to get a full hip contraction. Fire the glutes, fire your legs. Come on back down do it again. And you are going to build an amazing lower body.