Diet and Reinfarction
- In the study, the men who were given increased amounts of oily fish supplements were found to show a significant reduction in the likelihood of having a reinfarction. Nutrients inherent to this supplement are believed to be a good preventative measure against heart attacks in general.
- Despite the initial hypothesis of the researchers that higher consumption of fiber-laden foods would reduce the incidence of reinfarction, they found that the group that was given a higher fiber diet also had a higher mortality rate.
- Another theory posited by the doctors was that the less fatty foods consumed by the patients, the more likely they were to keep reinfarction at bay. However, due to the inability of test subjects to stick to their intended diets, these results were inconclusive. Doctors generally recommend a diet lower in fat for those more likely to have heart attacks, such as those with a family history of myocardial infarction.
Oily Fish Consumption
Fiber Intake
Reduction of Fatty Foods