Self Administered Hearing Test - Could You Use a Hearing Aid?
Do you find yourself asking people to repeat what they've said? Do you ever strain to hear a speaker in a crowded room? Has anyone suggested you may be hard of hearing (but you don't really want to find out)? Hearing loss is something most people don't want to accept.
And, it usually comes on so gradually, you may not even realize you're experiencing it.
Unfortunately, hearing loss often goes undetected by doctors because screenings aren't routinely performed.
(Or when they are, the loss is less noticeable in a quiet environment like a doctor's office).
However, if you or someone you know has difficulty hearing, this quick test can help confirm mild to moderate hearing loss.
Read the following statements and rate your answers from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree).
Take it seriously.
Research demonstrates that people who have trouble with hearing experience irritability, depression, stress, withdrawal from social situations, and loneliness.
(Quick Test, courtesy of the Better Hearing Institute.
org )
And, it usually comes on so gradually, you may not even realize you're experiencing it.
Unfortunately, hearing loss often goes undetected by doctors because screenings aren't routinely performed.
(Or when they are, the loss is less noticeable in a quiet environment like a doctor's office).
However, if you or someone you know has difficulty hearing, this quick test can help confirm mild to moderate hearing loss.
Read the following statements and rate your answers from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree).
- I have a problem hearing over the telephone
- I have trouble following the conversation when two or more people are talking at the same time
- I have trouble understanding things on TV
- I have to strain to understand conversations
- I have to worry about missing a telephone ring or doorbell
- I have trouble listening to conversations with noisy backgrounds such as a crowded room or restaurant
- I get confused about where sounds come from
- I misunderstand some words in a sentence and need to ask people to repeat themselves
- I especially have trouble understanding the speech of women and children
- I have trouble understanding the speaker in a large room such as at a meeting or place of worship
- People get annoyed because I misunderstand what they say
- Many people I talk to seem to mumble (or do not speak clearly)
- I misunderstand what others are saying and make inappropriate responses
- I avoid social activities because I cannot hear well and fear I will reply improperly
- Family members and friends have told me they think I may have hearing loss
Take it seriously.
Research demonstrates that people who have trouble with hearing experience irritability, depression, stress, withdrawal from social situations, and loneliness.
(Quick Test, courtesy of the Better Hearing Institute.
org )