The German Superpower
The definition of the word Superpower is - "A very powerful and influential nation" If we look at the modern German state we can indeed see that she is a very powerful nation and without doubt influential.
The question needs to be asked though as to how a nation that was little more than a smoking ruin in the aftermath of World War two and even split into two separate coutries for over thirty years was still able to come out on top as the undisputed European superpower.
To understand this we must first look at the political landscape in the aftermath of the second world war.
On the west side of Europe was a collection of bankrupted and gutted nations backed the emerging United States of America (USA) and in the east you had a power hungry lunatic known as Josef Stalin who had took his people from the verge of defeat to becoming the second super heavy weight of the world.
It was decided by the US and her allies that the threat of socialism was a bigger threat to the freedom of the capitalist regime than a newly rearmed Germany would be.
This decision would see the largest infrastructure projects in world using billions of US dollars to show the people in east just how good living in west was.
Rise The German Phoenix Above I explained some of the reasoning behind the decisions taken to rebuild what has been the single most destructive force in European history.
Until 1990 it was seen as a good and prudent move to hold off communist expansion but then came the collapse of the Soviet government and with a new opportunity for Germany Reunification.
The decision to reunify Germany was and is considered by many the right thing to do afteral but as we have seen many times in history the road to hell if often paved with good intentions.
Since the reunification German's have strived to undo much of the damage done in west germany by the often brutal stasi and raise the living standard of western Germany in alignment with the eastern half and in doing this they have created a happy and contented work force who are willing to do the hard graft that has allowed the Bundesrepublik Deutschland to become the undisputed champion of the European market.
Since the introduction of the single currency Germany has seen a rise in prominence with Frankfurt being the home of the European Central Bank (ECB) and even more so since the financial crisis began in 2007/8 with Germany being the main financial backer for the currency although I am sure the Germans could not have forseen the 2007/8 what was coming they have done amazingly well out of the crash in regards to the fact that they alone are now the leaders of the once evenly distributed power system of the Eurozone.
Amschel Rothschild once stated - Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.
This can also be applied to the European Union and probably even more so as the main problem with the Euro is that unlike most of the worlds currencies is that it is not backed by Gold and the country in the single currency with a largest Gold reserves is you guessed it Germany.
Merkel Warns Of WAR In Europe Just before a EU summit to decide on a 1 Trillion euro bailout Angel Merkel stated "Another half century of peace and prosperity in Europe is not to be taken for granted.
If the euro fails, Europe fails" was this comment from Merkel just saber rattling or was it a quick glimpse under the smiling mask however she meant it her point got across and the bailout was approved.
Merkel has long been an ardent defender of the Euro and rightly so because as the EU slips further into the German financial shadow the closer to a Federal European state we are getting.
I have now seen from the private sector calls for Tax harmonization which would effectively mean that the new European Stability Mechanism or ESM a shadowy and extremely powerful organization would become the new central bank for all of the nations currently in the Euro.
Interestingly enough the very same year that the Euro went live as a stock market currency the German Bundestag moved back into the new completed Reichstag the building famously burned down by Hitler to secure his rise to power and not to mention that for the first time Germany has also become a member of the United Nations Security council which could pave the way for legitimate rearming to fulfill its new obligations on the world security stage, now I for one don't believe in coincidences but these are to big to simply ignore.
Which ever way the Euro goes whether manages to survive and makes a remarkable come back under the guise as currency for the newly formed European Federal state either based or strongly influenced through the newly built Reichstag or it falls and the EU fragments Germany will still find itself the central power once again in Europe if not the world.
Unlike most of its neighbours Germany has a massive exporting economy and also is a well organized infrastructure with plenty of heavy industry to back it up which could allow it to rearm itself very quickly just as it did in the 1930's.
Fourth Reich A National Issue In 1918 Germany was finally defeated in the war that was to be known as the Great War or the war to end all wars and to stop this from happening again the League of Nations convened and harsh penalties were imposed on Germany in the Treaty of Versailles 1919, this included the dismantling of the Hapsburg dynasty, huge fines and also the prohibition of a standing army.
This however served to cause much resentment and outright hostility from the German public who bore the brunt of most the economic penalties imposed on the fatherland and with that allowed the rise Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party who promised social stability and the restoration of the German people to a place of prominence and By 1939 he had created a dictatorship and a bustling war economy giving the people of Germany back their dignity but this had all been turned to ruins through the six years of World War II in which the armies of the Wehrmacht fought on all sides for the supremacy of Europe and the Aryan dream.
I am sure like myself many you reading this have grandparents who were children during the war and great grandparents who almost certainly fought or were in someway involved in the war effort and have heard many stories of glory and horror in equal measure, Well the German people have this also and they have in many ways a much more harrowing tale of defeat which included many instances of rape and murder of German citizens by allied forces which will have left its mark on the German psych not to mention the harsh economic difficulties imposed on them after the war and the outright brutality of the mass deportations of millions of civilians in western Germany to the far reaches of the USSR which were wrongly never publicly condemned or criticized by Allies.
I am not for one minute proposing that we will see a return of the swastika or the Hitler Youth but we must also remember that twice in the last century we saw the death of countless millions at the hands of German imperialism and we must be wary of Germans bearing gifts in form of financial help if we are to keep ourselves safe.
German Nationalism Last Man Standing Germany is the financial backer of the Euro and the Greeks quickly learned this when they lost their national sovereignty in the form of a troika sent to oversee the Greek economy and effectively tell the Greek government what is can and cant do, this seems to me very similar to the Soviet model of having advisers that did more ordering than advising.
Italy, Ireland and Spain are already being measured up for noose we have to ask are we going to see the same soviet style troika's sent to these countries I for one cannot see why not seeing as it has been largely successful in Greece as far as the EU is concerned and how many more members of the European Union will have the same fate, I should imagine many of them if not all.
But this is not all plain sailing as we have seen in Greece the proletariat do not respond well to having their sovereignty removed from them by an unelected troika and quickly send a message through the polling booths by ousting the ruling party, We have also seen a major increase of Right-wing political parties of many western nations and as we continue to have our belts tightened by the ongoing economic crisis that seems to have no end and a political elite that seems to be so out of touch with the reality of the very people voting for them we will see a slide toward more reactive politics favoured by the right-wing parties.
All of this bodes well for Germany as it will only increase its position as the leader, and how is this so? well simply put it will be the most politically stable state in the Union and therefore more attractive for investors and thus making the nation and its people richer.
People simply do not rebel when things are going well and this is Germany's ace in the whole.
I for one do not know if this has happened by design or Germany is simply filling a void reluctantly but Germany does seem to be destined for the top spot as two world wars have not been able to shake the foundations of this seemingly indestructible economic powerhouse, But I will be watching warily and hoping that our leaders are not asleep at the wheel as their predecessors were in the twenties and thirties all I can say is watch this space as we bear witness to the rise of the German Superpower and the birth of the European Federal state that seems to me inevitable at this point.
The question needs to be asked though as to how a nation that was little more than a smoking ruin in the aftermath of World War two and even split into two separate coutries for over thirty years was still able to come out on top as the undisputed European superpower.
To understand this we must first look at the political landscape in the aftermath of the second world war.
On the west side of Europe was a collection of bankrupted and gutted nations backed the emerging United States of America (USA) and in the east you had a power hungry lunatic known as Josef Stalin who had took his people from the verge of defeat to becoming the second super heavy weight of the world.
It was decided by the US and her allies that the threat of socialism was a bigger threat to the freedom of the capitalist regime than a newly rearmed Germany would be.
This decision would see the largest infrastructure projects in world using billions of US dollars to show the people in east just how good living in west was.
Rise The German Phoenix Above I explained some of the reasoning behind the decisions taken to rebuild what has been the single most destructive force in European history.
Until 1990 it was seen as a good and prudent move to hold off communist expansion but then came the collapse of the Soviet government and with a new opportunity for Germany Reunification.
The decision to reunify Germany was and is considered by many the right thing to do afteral but as we have seen many times in history the road to hell if often paved with good intentions.
Since the reunification German's have strived to undo much of the damage done in west germany by the often brutal stasi and raise the living standard of western Germany in alignment with the eastern half and in doing this they have created a happy and contented work force who are willing to do the hard graft that has allowed the Bundesrepublik Deutschland to become the undisputed champion of the European market.
Since the introduction of the single currency Germany has seen a rise in prominence with Frankfurt being the home of the European Central Bank (ECB) and even more so since the financial crisis began in 2007/8 with Germany being the main financial backer for the currency although I am sure the Germans could not have forseen the 2007/8 what was coming they have done amazingly well out of the crash in regards to the fact that they alone are now the leaders of the once evenly distributed power system of the Eurozone.
Amschel Rothschild once stated - Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.
This can also be applied to the European Union and probably even more so as the main problem with the Euro is that unlike most of the worlds currencies is that it is not backed by Gold and the country in the single currency with a largest Gold reserves is you guessed it Germany.
Merkel Warns Of WAR In Europe Just before a EU summit to decide on a 1 Trillion euro bailout Angel Merkel stated "Another half century of peace and prosperity in Europe is not to be taken for granted.
If the euro fails, Europe fails" was this comment from Merkel just saber rattling or was it a quick glimpse under the smiling mask however she meant it her point got across and the bailout was approved.
Merkel has long been an ardent defender of the Euro and rightly so because as the EU slips further into the German financial shadow the closer to a Federal European state we are getting.
I have now seen from the private sector calls for Tax harmonization which would effectively mean that the new European Stability Mechanism or ESM a shadowy and extremely powerful organization would become the new central bank for all of the nations currently in the Euro.
Interestingly enough the very same year that the Euro went live as a stock market currency the German Bundestag moved back into the new completed Reichstag the building famously burned down by Hitler to secure his rise to power and not to mention that for the first time Germany has also become a member of the United Nations Security council which could pave the way for legitimate rearming to fulfill its new obligations on the world security stage, now I for one don't believe in coincidences but these are to big to simply ignore.
Which ever way the Euro goes whether manages to survive and makes a remarkable come back under the guise as currency for the newly formed European Federal state either based or strongly influenced through the newly built Reichstag or it falls and the EU fragments Germany will still find itself the central power once again in Europe if not the world.
Unlike most of its neighbours Germany has a massive exporting economy and also is a well organized infrastructure with plenty of heavy industry to back it up which could allow it to rearm itself very quickly just as it did in the 1930's.
Fourth Reich A National Issue In 1918 Germany was finally defeated in the war that was to be known as the Great War or the war to end all wars and to stop this from happening again the League of Nations convened and harsh penalties were imposed on Germany in the Treaty of Versailles 1919, this included the dismantling of the Hapsburg dynasty, huge fines and also the prohibition of a standing army.
This however served to cause much resentment and outright hostility from the German public who bore the brunt of most the economic penalties imposed on the fatherland and with that allowed the rise Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party who promised social stability and the restoration of the German people to a place of prominence and By 1939 he had created a dictatorship and a bustling war economy giving the people of Germany back their dignity but this had all been turned to ruins through the six years of World War II in which the armies of the Wehrmacht fought on all sides for the supremacy of Europe and the Aryan dream.
I am sure like myself many you reading this have grandparents who were children during the war and great grandparents who almost certainly fought or were in someway involved in the war effort and have heard many stories of glory and horror in equal measure, Well the German people have this also and they have in many ways a much more harrowing tale of defeat which included many instances of rape and murder of German citizens by allied forces which will have left its mark on the German psych not to mention the harsh economic difficulties imposed on them after the war and the outright brutality of the mass deportations of millions of civilians in western Germany to the far reaches of the USSR which were wrongly never publicly condemned or criticized by Allies.
I am not for one minute proposing that we will see a return of the swastika or the Hitler Youth but we must also remember that twice in the last century we saw the death of countless millions at the hands of German imperialism and we must be wary of Germans bearing gifts in form of financial help if we are to keep ourselves safe.
German Nationalism Last Man Standing Germany is the financial backer of the Euro and the Greeks quickly learned this when they lost their national sovereignty in the form of a troika sent to oversee the Greek economy and effectively tell the Greek government what is can and cant do, this seems to me very similar to the Soviet model of having advisers that did more ordering than advising.
Italy, Ireland and Spain are already being measured up for noose we have to ask are we going to see the same soviet style troika's sent to these countries I for one cannot see why not seeing as it has been largely successful in Greece as far as the EU is concerned and how many more members of the European Union will have the same fate, I should imagine many of them if not all.
But this is not all plain sailing as we have seen in Greece the proletariat do not respond well to having their sovereignty removed from them by an unelected troika and quickly send a message through the polling booths by ousting the ruling party, We have also seen a major increase of Right-wing political parties of many western nations and as we continue to have our belts tightened by the ongoing economic crisis that seems to have no end and a political elite that seems to be so out of touch with the reality of the very people voting for them we will see a slide toward more reactive politics favoured by the right-wing parties.
All of this bodes well for Germany as it will only increase its position as the leader, and how is this so? well simply put it will be the most politically stable state in the Union and therefore more attractive for investors and thus making the nation and its people richer.
People simply do not rebel when things are going well and this is Germany's ace in the whole.
I for one do not know if this has happened by design or Germany is simply filling a void reluctantly but Germany does seem to be destined for the top spot as two world wars have not been able to shake the foundations of this seemingly indestructible economic powerhouse, But I will be watching warily and hoping that our leaders are not asleep at the wheel as their predecessors were in the twenties and thirties all I can say is watch this space as we bear witness to the rise of the German Superpower and the birth of the European Federal state that seems to me inevitable at this point.